You are an actual racist
You are an actual racist
What are you even trying to say? You’re having an entire conversation with yourself and putting words in my mouth, it’s bizarre and hard to understand. I’m guessing westernism means the belief in western values and easternism would mean belief in eastern values.
After spending some time reading the history of Zionism, I find your characterization of them dishonest. There’s tons of early Zionists that preached pacifism and coexistence. Here’s one of many examples https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._D._Gordon
“What “easternism,” Clyde? There is no such thing “eastern civilization” underpinned by “yellow and/or brown supremacy” - it only exists in the fevered imaginations of white supremacists.”
This word vomit is incomprehensible to anyone who isn’t a Tankie. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. If easternism isn’t a thing why would westernism be a thing?
As soon as you called westernism a disease I knew exactly what your profile would look like. You’re a tankie. If I called easternism a “disease” would that be okay? No because I’m not a bigot. If you’re old enough to be using this site you’re old enough to know better.
This is the very first line in the book “Der Judenstaat” by Theodor Herzl, considered to be the father of modern Zionism starting with this book. “The idea which I have developed in this pamphlet is a very old one: it is the restoration of the Jewish State.” Herzl simply renewed the idea in modern times, so many websites will list him as the start. However, a little digging into Jewish history and you will find Zionism is a very old idea.
Yes my horrible ideology of citing a peer reviewed science article published by the national library of medicine lmao. Science is a capitalist and imperialist conspiracy!!1!1
If westernism is a disease which region is the cure professor Tank
This has happened before. One specific movement started then, but the idea is very old https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_to_Zion
I have literally no idea how Jewish communities sharing specific DNA linking them to the levant has anything to do with white supremacy, or how that makes me a white supremacist. Zionism started after the Jewish Diaspora in 8th century BCE. Are all scientists that study genetics racist? Where are you getting this from and why are you so angry about it?
Uh no, Zionism is not a Christian idea. It’s been an idea long before Christianity was even around. I’m flabbergasted that you called me a white supremacist for stating a fact. Ethiopian and Ashkenazi Jews could very well share DNA linking them back to the original Jewish diaspora.
“As the BBC reports, the study suggests that “Ethiopians mixed with Egyptian, Israeli or Syrian populations about 3,000 years ago.” Professor Chris Tyler-Smith, from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, told the BBC: “By analyzing the genetics of Ethiopia and several other regions we can see that there was gene flow into Ethiopia, probably from the Levant, around 3,000 years ago, and this fits perfectly with the story of the Queen of Sheba.” Note that the study does not contradict the 2007 work by Entine or other historical evidence. The results suggest that Israelites-Jews entered the region 3,000 years ago, but they were not necessarily consolidated as a group until about 1,500 years ago. Also, note the study does not necessarily confirm the biblical story of affair between Queen Sheba of ancient Ethiopia and king Solomon of ancient Israel.”
Here’s another
“By principal component analysis, it was observed that the Jewish populations of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East formed a tight cluster that distinguished them from their non-Jewish neighbors (Fig. 1). Within this central cluster, each of these Jewish populations formed its own subcluster, in addition to the more remote localization of members of some Diaspora communities. The observation of a major central tight cluster was supported by statistical metrics for genetic distances (Fst, allelic sharing distances).”
With all this said, even if Ethiopian Jews and Ashkenazi Jews are not actually genetically related, they still get targeted the same whether they practice Judaism or not.
Several different locations were considered at first. I think the levant was chosen because it renders the “go back where you came from” argument moot since they’d be living in the area they originated from.
It takes like 10 minutes of googling to see Zionism is an umbrella term for multiple different schools of thoughts. People are turning it into some slur when at its core it’s the belief that Jews have a right to a state. Keep in mind that Jews are both a race and a religion.
So what would have happened if the Arab nations had won? Do you not see the irony here? The Jews paid for the land legally before declaring their independence. This is fact I can back it up with evidence. Muslim rulers were scared of the possibility of a majority Jewish nation because of how horrible Jews were treated under muslim rule. I can provide a list of all the massacres and pogroms committed against Jews in muslim countries throughout history. The list is staggering. Jews were classified as dhimmi under muslim rule and had to pay an extortion tax as well as being barred from using several of their own holy sites. You can’t attempt an ethnic cleansing on a people and then when it fails cry “ethnic cleansing!” when they return the same behavior they’ve been dealing with for 1000s of years.
If you declare war and lose, you can’t just go “lol oopsie we didn’t really mean it” and expect nothing to happen. When has the loser in any war not experienced repercussions?
Where in my comment did I say that lol
Ya got the date wrong. Nakba happened in 1948 when multiple Arabic nations declared war on Israel after they announced their independence.
I don’t have anything to add to this conversation but I just want to say you’ve done a great job at reporting news while remaining civil DarkGamer. I’ve never seen you get heated or take an all or nothing stance on an issue and honestly it’s so refreshing to see. You’re proof that people can debate things without resorting to shit slinging and name calling. Keep up the good work 👍
I reject modern political labels but would say I lean slightly right. Over the years I’ve wrote to many of our politicians but Mr. Durbin is the only one who actually gave me the time of day, and for that he has my respect.
Yes, it is the first time I’ve been “informed” of such a concept. Only someone obsessed with race would come to that conclusion.