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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • They tried to stand impartial (my most generous interpretation of reddits in-action towards the donald) and it really fucked them.

    It’s so weird how many platforms cater to harmful rhetoric in an effort to stay neutral only for them to later ban the community after the damage has been done.

    If I were more conspiratorial I’d suggest the Donald survived for as long as it did on purpose and with the explicit support of the reddit admins/execs…

  • Read the article, sounds like both parties are just blowing smoke. At the end it tells us current investment into this market was less than 100b last year. So 1tril is a 10x investment of the yearly we see today. It also suggested the entire chip industry is doing about 600b in sales. So Sam is looking to take a 10x investment into the space?

    Altman’s fundraising goal of $5 trillion to $7 trillion far exceeds the present valuation of the worldwide semiconductor industry, which recorded sales of $527 billion last year and is anticipated to hit the $1 trillion mark by 2030. Meanwhile, chip manufacturers invested $99.5 billion in chip fabrication equipment in 2022 and are projected to allocate $97 billion for fabrication tools this year.

    I mean I believe the numbers they come up with, that they want to 10x the space. But it’s a ludicrous goal that doesn’t really make sense in practice. Every CEO would love to take on 7 trillion dollars of investment to do anything and would scream it from the mountaintops.

    I just don’t know that what they are saying is meaningful at all, at least Sam’s 7tril claim

  • FYI, lots of people have different grocery needs so a broad statement like “grocery trips are $N these days” is pretty meaningless without the context of your purchases or needs.

    A better example might be “my grocery bills are up 50% this year with no changes to what I buy!!”

    My grocery budget has changed the last few years, but from $65 average to now $85 average. That said the supplemental food I buy (occasional orders out, etc) has risen significantly more, probably upwards of +60% at times.