That’s so American it’s almost comical
That’s so American it’s almost comical
Quantum mechanics works, no doubt about it. What I seriously doubt is the interpretation of what it means. When you get right down to it, it’s just our best most successful attempt to model physical systems we can’t observe with enough detail to tell exactly what’s happening. The whole uncertainty principle isn’t some magic truth about the nature of reality, it’s just a statement about measuring particles by bumping them with other particles. Wave particle duality is an interpretation of the math, it isn’t required for the math to work. Bell “disproved” hidden variable theories and we’ve been working with our hands tied behind our backs ever since, just so we can preserve the comforting fiction that have free will or that it means anything in the first place. It honestly pisses me off because so many scientists just accept the Copenhagen interpretation as truth, to the point that it’s become dogma and anyone suggesting otherwise is automatically wrong. It’s no wonder particle physics has hardly made any progress in the last few decades.
I understand why people always say things like this. It’s the not having a choice that ruins eternity. Fortunately it seems that such a fate is physically impossible in this reality. Even if you were made of the most durable possible material, you would still fundamentally be composed of baryonic matter, which means if you fell into a star, collided with a celestial object at relativistic speed, or fell into a black hole, you would surely die. There is always a way out for an enterprising immortal, and afterwards sweet nothing.
I love the little demon guy just like “Hey riding that cart looks fun. Ima do it.”
I hear they’ve got quite a big ball of twine
Fire is a natural and necessary part of many ecosystemsm. It keeps parasitic insect populations down, stuff like ticks and chiggers, and some plant species rely on fire to prepare the soil for seeds and even is required for some plants to release their seeds. In dry ecosystems like the western USA it also consumes old dead plant material, reducing the fuel available for future fires and reducing fire severity overall. Many foresters and fire fighters advocate for increasing prescribed burns, essentially forest fires that we light on purpose in cooler and wetter times of the year to consume the fuel without risking a catastrophic fire that is difficult to control. I just think that’s neat.
I was going to make a speed running joke here but it made me sad so you get this instead.
That’s… not how grey hair works. Oh unless she died it red and let it grow out… Hmm
If you make a bootable linux usb drive you can do whatever you want with all windows stupid files without even having to install linux.
I mean when you’ve got an existential election and the options are a barely functional geezer who will just do whatever his staff suggest and stupid Hitler your choice is going to be a forgone conclusion. It’s not a choice between two shitty candidates, it’s a choice between one shitty candidate and literal fascism. You either want fascism or you don’t. All these “undecided” voters are either hilariously ignorant, closet fascists, or both.
I mean it’s not a secret. It’s lead. There’s lead in the water down there.
I know this is a joke, but that would require them to put actual effort into their shit ass slow ui that’s had the same stupid bugs for the past 15 years and still doesn’t have a search function that gives you what you fucking searched for.
If the irrational hatred of gay people is similar at all, these people are closeted trans people inflicting their hatred of themselves and their own feelings on the world. Probably.
Reading between the lines here, someone is fucking with the market on purpose. Drop the prices so low the competition goes out of business trying to keep up, then jack up the prices to make it all back multiple times over. Businesses don’t drop the price of products for no reason.
Were? Hmm. Were. Not mutually exclusive with are. Yes were fits.
Long ago the four nations lived in harmony. But everything changed when the business nation attacked. Only the regulations could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished.
They didn’t have zero experience. There were two full rocket designs that were built and flown before rocket 3, hence why it was called rocket 3. It also achieved orbit successfully two times, which only a limited number of companies have ever achieved.
The first offer wasn’t rejected, they didn’t have the money on hand at the time. Between the first offer and the second they got investor funding together and the cash on hand dwindled, so the second offer was with cash to cover the offer and some to cover running the business between acceptance and closing. After the second offer the board released a statement saying it’s this or liquidate the company, so they went with this because it’s the best outcome for everyone with the current state of things.
Memory unsafe languages will always have value in applications where speed and performance mean anything. Embedded programming and video games are the obvious examples, but pretty much any application taken far enough will eventually demand the performance benefits of memory unsafe languages. Some even require writing assembly directly. Contrary to common dogma, the compiler isn’t always best.
I mean yeah climate change is making things worse, but you need three things for a fire; heat, fuel, and oxygen. Climate change can supply the heat, but the decades of ignorant and ubiquitous suppression of wildland fires has supplied a dangerous abundance of fuel in a lot of areas. Really it’s all our fault all around.