What a shameful and un-Christian lifestyle… /s
No central wife figure, no central mother figure: only concubines in the compound.
What a shameful and un-Christian lifestyle… /s
No central wife figure, no central mother figure: only concubines in the compound.
Then the mistake was made many years ago by releasing the code under GPLv2, with no obligation to contribute back.
Picturesque and poignant.
This is a specific kind of mass gaslighting and sunk cost fallacy: “Think of all the money we spent on cleaning, don’t you believe it’s clean?” /s
Buy a regular standalone USB webcam, and point it at the computer screen with the code in some corner.
No printing required.
Accept that you will require some workaround since you do not wish to install the QR app.
Xi’s plan: give us what we want and we’ll stop. Putin’s plan: give us what we want and we’ll stop. Netanyahu’s plan: give us what we want and we’ll stop.
Just adult bullies, really, Orban is trying to seem relevant.
No actual worries, I just see a great irony where he’s trying to paint himself as conservative & Republican while being the only one not parading his current wife around, and just adding women to his breeding compound. Added /s.