Could it still be called “cavalry” if they’re riding bears?
Could it still be called “cavalry” if they’re riding bears?
Self hosting doesn’t mean you should host everything yourself at home, using a VPS you manage (so the data inside it is still yours) is also a viable option for selfhosting. I myself host some services at home and a few others in a VPS.
As for Dyndns, I’ve used a few providers over the years. DuckDNS is the one I’ve been using for 5 years or so and it’s not failed me once. Pretty happy with it.
Maybe you could have a duckdns pointing to your dynamic IP and your domains / subdomains with a CNAME pointing to the dyndns address?
You lasted until Windows 7? I’m guessing you didn’t have to deal with Windows Vista’s bs then. I changed ship thanks to Vista.
I also suffered Windows Me, but I was too young and at that time I didn’t know there was an alternative.
I dual booted Vista/7 and Ubuntu/Mint for a while but after not using Windows in years ended removing it completely. Now I’m a happy Antergos Arch user ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sony, the friendly publisher who is making PC gaming friends every day with their “required PSN” addition to already released games (and new ones to be published) thinks these same PC gaming folks will buy a console to play PS exclusive sequels…
Why do they think that someone who hasn’t bought a console already for games like Bloodbourne, God of War, Uncharted, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon: Zero Dawn, etc. would buy one for a sequel of any of them??
I’ve been using Pinchflat for a while and so far it’s been great for me. It can automatically rescan the channel or playlist on a defined time (like every day or every week), and download new videos. It uses yt-dlp so you can configure all the parameters you want it to use for the download
Luckily you don’t need Window$. You can install Edge on your Linux distro of choice! Will it then show warnings telling you Edge is the bestest browser when you use it to search for another browser? Who knows, why not try it and find out??? Please someone use Edge on Linux, Micro$oft is now a friend of Linux
That’s my experience as well. I’ve been a Mint user for around 6 years (2012 to 2018 or 2019), with different DEs (Gnome, Cinnamon and Mate) and installations and there was always something that stopped working all of a sudden, or something wrong with Mint altogether that made the experience bittersweet. I even tried LMDE for a bit and didn’t last a week using it.
I ended up hopping to Antergos (RIP) and have been with it ever since.
Why would you need new Nvidia drivers in Windows 7 if every new game released requires Windows 10 or above?
There was a spanish Lemmy instance or something similar, but apparently it’s been down for months