Have you shopped other companies for rates? I switched earlier this year and cut my insurance costs by more than half! Was fucking ridiculous how it just kept climbing.
Have you shopped other companies for rates? I switched earlier this year and cut my insurance costs by more than half! Was fucking ridiculous how it just kept climbing.
Just my 2 cents, but the logistics part is substantial. Our jails and prisons are already overflowing (with the highest incarceration rate of the global north) so there’s no quick process that is feasible. We should have plenty of warning as to what’s coming down the works… as for having the means and ability to do anything about it? We shall see.
You’re not helpless unless you don’t take action. Build your community and celebrate the small wins. Find meaningful work(even volunteering) and build more connections to others. Having some of that to fall back on has kept me saner lately, and now I’m driven to focus more on that, least for the short term.
Okay, I’ll bite and take a few minutes to refute yet another of your seemingly patently false statements that you provide no evidence for.
Are you talking about the expanded child tax credit that the senate didn’t pass(the house did)? If so, that’s not on the president.
I downvoted you at almost every opportunity bc it seems like you’re just talking out of your ass, which isn’t helpful. If I missed something that you’re referring to for poverty, feel free to share and support your argument.
There’s likely no 1 magic solution… it’ll take multiple fronts: education, community-building, better(less misinformation) social media…
Is there, though? I was trying to come up with some examples yesterday and all I can find from my admittedly lefty algo are fears propagated because of Trump’s words or incoming cabinet appointments. They are at least based on actual recorded words as opposed to cherry-picked data or “feels”. I guess the left could be cherry-picking data to support their arguments also, but the logic seems more sound, at least to me.
If they don’t already exist, it sounds like a niche need for a third-party company that has some preset templates of different options? Add a lawyer and some legal aid and could be very helpful for the system.
Beautiful stuff, y’all. Keep hope alive!
Considering how under-funded and understaffed the IRS has been/is, they do a pretty amazing job with what they have to work with. Simplifying or redoing our tax codes again is a huge task that will take time. There does need to be some sort of progress though! We’ll see what type of government we’ll have shortly.
Idk… Iceland is doing pretty well with some large greenhouses. I was pretty amazed at the variety and quality of their fruits and veggies. That island has to deal with some serious issues but seem to be handling them quite well overall!
I could see the point being to spread the information on what is happening so that (hopefully) we could elect more people who would do something about it. There are some elections coming up where, theoretically, the power could shift. There’s also lobbying our congresspeople, which can have an effect if enough people do it. The power of incumbency, uninformed voters, etc… make this a shitty situation, to be sure. I’m still trying to have hope that enough people pushing for change can find success. If not, I’ll just be cynical at the bleak prospects of life.
I say all that to say, we should fight however we can, but definitely keep pushing forward!
While I can concede your point that it’s feasible and possibly even more practical to open from the stem, I gotta say that since switching to the other end years ago(because I saw a similar thread on reddit), it’s been super easy and I’ve had zero issues. The stem just has a higher rate of fucking up, but it’s not like either end will fully decimate the banana. Peeling properly after it’s opened is an easy fix either way.
IIRC, the reason sodium batteries would be better is we have abundant stocks of sodium, whereas the raw materials for most other batteries are limited and require more destructive mining. John Oliver just covered some of this on his show last Sunday. If that tech can be improved, hopefully there won’t be any deep sea mining for more raw materials!
You can sail the high seas for Fallout. It’s worth it!
Sign me up, too. This looks and sounds fantastic!
The only brand that my wife and I have found consistently better than these 2 is Good & Gather from Target. Slightly cheaper and some great flavors!