Lime Buzz (fae/she)


Plural and not human, don’t refer to us with any human-related words or include us in humanity in any way. First ‘person’ pronouns will change based on who/what is talking.

Not here to punish, your punitive mindset is showing.

Ask more questions, assume less.

  • 35 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2022


  • Thank you for your well thought out response.

    Sadly there are still many many people who are overtly individually racist, even on the ‘left’. I have seen and met many who still are and it is deeply upsetting and sadenning to have to meet such people but also aggrivating.

    Just the other day I had someone tell me that “I don’t see color” so sadly, it is still the time for such articles.

    Until the systems of opression stop existing and we all fully grapple with how it makes us racist then people are going to keep on being racist.