This is a really nice surprise!
This is a really nice surprise!
noice! I just switched to using Fuzzel yesterday.
If you use separate disks there shouldn’t be any issues.
Out of morbid curiosity I just installed Windows 11 on a spare ssd alongside my main Fedora install. All I had to do was re-add the Fedora disk to first in the boot order and rebuild the grub config with os-prober enabled to add the windows install to grub
No issues apart from Windows 11 being horrible
This was a Discord dumpster fire that was thankfully put out months ago.
Hyprland is incredible and hopefully there won’t be any more trouble like this
Oh no
Nice! have fun.
I’d definitely avoid downloading other people’s hyprland dot files. Most are over complicated.
Just keep it simple to fit your needs
I’m using regular Fedora 40 workstation with Gnome
If you enable the update testing repo you can just install “stable” hyprland using dnf.
I’d say the tricky part of config at the start is getting your monitors setup but you can use ‘hyprctl monitors’ to list the monitors and get the ids. The documentation/wiki is really good
Once you’ve got it installed you can logout of gnome and select hyprland from the cog on the login screen.
If you want the git release of hyprland you can use this Copr https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/solopasha/hyprland/
Other stuff I use Rofi for launching apps Hyprpaper for wallpapers Waybar-git for the bar Kitty for terminal
I second this but after getting Hyprland setup to my liking I don’t think I’ll ever go back to gnome or kde
I did the same thing last week on Fedora 40 with the latest kernel at the time. Everything went fine.
Had to fiddle with bios settings to get the performance out of the cpu/memory
Also worth noting there’s a delay in boot with no feedback on screen initially where the memory is tested/trained. That blank screen made me panic a bit
Virtiofs is very good
Been using it for a few months. Best to stay off the hyprland-git branch for now because there’s some big changes going on that broke a few things. The main problem is Hyprland has ruined other DEs and window managers for me now it’s so good
Is it like Team Fortress Classic (work or school)?
What proton version are you using? I think shader cache updates go inline with proton version updates so I’d you’re on experimental or bleeding edge you’ll get more updates
I’ve been using Hyprland for a couple of years now. Not really interacted with the community(discord) a great deal but when I have I’ve not seen anything like that previous incident.