You picked quite an easy example :)
- to live well, will it be better/easier to have climate stable or to be forced to adapt to unknown future?
- so let’s go do something about it
You picked quite an easy example :)
Nothing will work until people get a few basic things straight. Two simple thoughts humanity still avoids:
Until each and everyone understands that and starts acting accordingly, no amount of -isms or whatnot is going to make anything better. Now, some can argue like “but today’s world is much better than slavery”, to which there is a simple answer:
So… yeah, Lenin and the gang did exactly zero things better, tons of people continued to suffer and die and there was no end to it long after Lenin died
Time to turn inside. Whatever around you gets fucked, essentially no one can order you “be miserable”. If this one thing gets fixed a hundred percent your way, the rest is just a question of what you can do and how much of that you are willing to do
But does it seem a very long road to become fully in control of own interiority.
I did not come up with this on my own, just picked if up from someone else, but can’t argue with it
I’ve got flash news then: unless I want 70 years old people to work production lines, my job (a developer) can be done by a seventy years old person. Or a job of an artist. Or <insert bunch of professions here>. Physical strength does naturally deteriorate, and that is the only thing that actually is does.
Now, to the more important: producing goods? Really? Since when has it become the only thing you look at? And since when producing goods is something only people-under-random-age-limit can do?
Yeah, can’t deny that. That’s a shame, they did and still do have some wonderful people, but the you’re-not-japanese-so-fuck-you-one-way-or-another mindset is a disgrace. If even I know that granting Japanese citizenship to someone who is not Japanese by blood is something extra-extra-extraordinary, it means things are - ok, I am tired of swearing - very bad
While I do not share the sentiment of “let them finally die”, I am very curious what will win: wanting to survive as a country and society or that bullshit worldview they are known for by anyone who learns anything more about Japan than just cool tech-anime-sake combo
I do hope they will change and survive. Ikkyu Sojun has earned a very special place in my heart (the one, who was a monk, son of emperor, who got a particular letter from his mother that is now famous among anyone who learns anything about Buddhism in Japan)
Warning: swear language ahead
Da fuck “productive” is, for fuck’s sake. Anyone thought of not running human intelligence into fucking ground over a period of… what? Roughly 60 - 20 = 40 years?
Or what, humans can’t think after retirement age because <insert some bullshit>?
You absolutely can have any percentage of <insert random age group>, provided human wellbeing is being taken care of, constantly and in all aspects
Simple: death will come, it is a guarantee you get by being born. So, unless your life is hell (diseases can do that easily, including mental ones) and it clearly won’t end (or anyway not before you become broken beyond repair), why not see some life before it ends
Heh. My back started hurting when I thought of moving those weights around. I am no psychiatrist, but hey, now you have one more guy who wants you to live as long as the body can carry you
Die we all will, so might as well try living… well, fuck that for now, I know high-motivational-speaches do not work when you don’t see much value in living. You managed to get this far, and this is not a small feat, so please take my appreciation I would never be able to train anyone in anything, damn, just not the type of a person. What do you train people to do?
Fucking hell. How are you hanging in there now?
I dare you, I double dare you, say “the Senate” one more time!
Not to argue, just a bit of self-humour:
And I am doomed because I enjoy it. To hell with all the GUI open-settings-then-a-tab-in-it-and-down-to-rabbit-hole-of-tabs-and-setting-sub-windows, just give me plain damn config file. Also, praise be to people who write where the program looks for config files and what can supercede what in man entries
But how big is it (resolution/physical size) ?
I feel like I will never go for more than present 4k with around 80cm width (but it is curved, so screen surface is enough), because if I try to stuff more windows visible at the same time, it becomes more info than I can process. So, unless I start building something like personal dashboard, this is my limit: finally see enough, do not get overwhelmed
Fairly limited tasks like backend development, yeah.
But true I had no idea what people really use for graphics and sound, thank you for pointing thouse out.
GUI for git, merge and diff does not bother me either, but that is a personal quirk. Thank you for those too, I will at least take a look
You seem to have moderate expectations towards visual computing.
Got me a hundred percent 🙂. Maybe when I have more money I will dive into the beautiful world of high-quality graphics
Ah. Yeah, TVs can be really large. Thank you for taking the time to explain
Games: nope. Same as someone above, I’ve got Cyberpunk on Linux
Office/Adobe… may be a fair point for some Nvidia card: nope, works fine
HDR: did not even bother to learn what is. Can be a fair point
Fractional scaling - genuine question: who the hell ever needs this? I have gone from 1K resolution (standard laptop) to 2K to 2.5K to 34K with curved monitor and never ever ever did I think “hey, this big screen? I want everything bigger/smaller on it”. What do people use fractional scaling for?
Around ten years ago, Ubuntu, my first time using Linux. Press Ctrl+Alt+Fsomething, drop to bash, run vlc videofile (Mylene Farmer Ennamoramento clip) - and the damn thing works! It plays video with ASCII graphics out of the box!
Stayed with Linux ever since, I just love that this is something I can actually learn and tinker with