I am working on an alternative
I am working on an alternative
Yes I must be careful about the licenses
Thank you
Would be my software
I thought because some people wouldn’t know about the app and may think they have to pay
I agree, I am not the one that made the app. But anyway it’s exactly the same with github apk releases. Just build the app with the code and compare I guess ?
I do too. It is open source https://www.distractionfreeapps.com/source.html
Hacking on mac obviously
They lack packages
Snap is shit. I started using flatpak because apt didn’t support apps that I wanted and snap only supported ancient releases. .deb is annoying too and .appimage I don’t like to have the files hanging there
What is ?
Stop being so toxic. Usually bold claims like that have nothing to do with the article
Don’t pretend like the downvoters read anything
Yes very sourcy
Exactly. Having sources is the minimal starting point to make an opinion. That’s not because this community is supposed safe that I could trust any user information
The article is just a collection of hyperlinks. Useless article and I will not look through all of them, and I couldn’t even know they were talking about something from the article anyway
I agree and three dimensions is 100% better than two
Cannot release yet because I need to “plugin out” the youtube part which was integrated directly into the flutter app in my earlier builds, will be open source