Namecheap API works just fine with Certbot DNS challenges for me, FWIW.
Namecheap API works just fine with Certbot DNS challenges for me, FWIW.
I don’t use Haier products but a similar thing happened with Chamberlain when they blocked the MyQ integration even though it was using the legitimate API and not breaking any rules. No attempt to work with anyone in the HA community at all, just shut everything down.
On one hand, this means projects like Home Assistant are getting popular enough to have enough usage to effect these companies. So that’s great! In the long term, we’ll all figure out solutions, but in the short term it feels like an increasing fight between corporate and open-source control over smart devices.
IMO, it’s also worth the yearly cost for voice integration with Google Nest/Home or similar devices. Both can be done without paying but it’s so much easier and I know it’ll be supported over time.
Are people capable of changing?
It’s not a bad thing that you have a hard time empathizing with pedophiles, in case that helps.
Jay walking was originally a derogatory term for rural people in the ‘big city’ and supposedly not knowing how to navigate paved streets.
All of those are/were stigmatized specifically because of legal status.
What are you even taking about, my man.
So you do that with every potential hire? What about military vets, should they be evaluated to make sure they aren’t encouraging kids to be killers?
There’s also a third audience most people don’t consider: everyone reading the thread that isn’t engaging directly.
You might not convince the direct ‘opponent’ in an internet debate, but can still make an impact on others that might be more open to listening to a new perspective.
You should feel bad for having this perspective. Reflect on that and try to be better in the future!
Are the police the correct organization to handle a potential dog bite?
You just made that shit up. This proposal hasn’t even been put in place so how could anyone know for certain that would happen??
“I learned to check party affiliations before you go on a date,” Boebert told TMZ
Doesn’t this entirely invalidate the claims of people like Boebert that woke-ism ruins people’s personalities and thought processes? Shouldn’t she be able to see that this guy was a degenerate trans groomer or whatever without needing to know his “political affiliation”?
If not, perhaps the negative side effects of people-with-different-opinions is not actually a fatal condition, after all.
Were you six years old?
The past happened, we can’t ignore it. Acknowledging that injustices happened in the past and we have the ability to do something now to try and reverse that is not “living in the past”.
Or help with fighting the climate change? Or helping developing nations to get to our level?
Arguably, both of these are exactly what we mean by “reparations”.
Market seems to be doing this for us so far.