Ah yes, famously communist, antifa, vegan, anti-cop the_donald.
Ah yes, famously communist, antifa, vegan, anti-cop the_donald.
I like this comparison, it’s actually interesting to think about.
Pretty much everyone tends to agree with the scientifical consensus that climate change is coming, whether they are capitalist or communist. The only people who disagree are those who are financially invested in oil, gas, or coal.
In a similar manner, the message that “communism is bad” comes from capitalist regimes that have a financial interest in preserving the status quo. If you want to understand people within a capitalist society, a really good way to do it is simply to follow the money.
It’s when you realize that some US Americans unironicaly believe that, that you understand how powerful the USA propaganda machine is.
Putting Xi and Kim up there but not Biden and Netanyahu in 2023 is pretty wack, honestly.
Your question wasn’t for me. And no, USA should give back all the land they stole from Mexico. And until they do that, it’s ridiculous for them to expect Russia to return land that’s populated with Russian ethnics to a fascists state that tried to exterminate them before the war.
Towards the end, Marx actually expected Russia to go through a communist revolution, and that it may even be the start of the revolutionary wave in Europe. See the preface for the 1882 Russian edition of the Communist Manifesto for reference.