I was lucky enough to have options after I moved a few years ago, and went with the smaller semi-local isp that offers better speeds for better prices, and no bullshit. The customer service is actually pretty good too. I hope more people get options like that, it felt so good to leave the big guys.
Cool, ticks right at your front door!
5 hours later, that YouTube account has been terminated
Front right is phone, front left is wallet. Keys hang on left side belt loop. Vape in left side pocket, knife in right side. I have magnetic sunglasses that I put in the back right pocket when I’m not using them. Back left is for receipts & such.
That has to be some weird ai filter/upscaling artifact, right? Her teeth and neck look weird too. But idk, maybe she really has sidebrows
This looks like some bosslogic bullshit, legit thought this was fake
He has soared on the wings of a demon
Tart cherry pie filling on top of a new york cheesecake is unbelievable
sharpens guillotine