Signore dei mari, lmao

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • So you basically slowly build your own reddit-like bubble by removing what you don’t want to see (or disagree with)… Doesn’t it go intuitively against the idea of “federating” with other communities?

    Of course, the difference with lemmy is that you become your own censor, while on reddit the admins have control over everything; on paper this definitely sounds the more “freedom option” but I am afraid it’s just going to lead to compartmentization in bubbles that don’t talk to each others at all. And I’m not talking about spam or outright offensive idiots, I am talking about opinions you don’t like.

  • Google sure is creating a lot of Pixel-fanboys by instilling this myth that if you dont get daddy google’s precious over-the-air updates delivered to your phone in 30 seconds after their release your phone might be at great risk®™ (exactly like if you dont let google play store scan the apps on your device to look for malicious software, like F-Droid, a common known attack vector).

    Because surely Fairphone users are all government officials with nuclear codes and Kim Jong-un’s nudes saved in their notes and teams of indian hackers are 24/7 waiting for a security update to release, so they can unpack the zero-day-vulnerabilities before fairphone gets their release-cycle

    Can you please elaborate further on this “component lifespan” thing? Because I think they were quite clear on the processor life cycle.

  • The Catholic Church has protected pedophiles among their ranks for as long as the Catholic Church has been around.

    It is documented and undeniable that there have been such figures in the church, but it is my opinion that this specific pope has been trying to bring the church in a different direction, both on this specific issue, but also generally more progressive, if you want.

    Yeah, a real leader among leaders.

    Thanks for sharing this article, I’ve read it and tried to do more reaserch on the topic (turns out the wikipedia page on the matter is pretty dense and source-full, while the NYT wrote just has a couple lines written quickly). I will answer with this article from the guardian

  • I think you missed the meaning of inefficency on this matter…

    While it is undeniable that electric cars have a better supply-to-engine energy efficency than combustion cars, you can understand that they are equiparated in the meme as “equally bad” if you think outside of the box labelled “rubber wheels on high friction asphalt transporting usually a single individual”.

    Compare that with a tram or a train, transporting multiple passengers with the same electric engine but also steel-on-steel friction on the wheels and the difference between an ICE and EV vehicle becomes a mere approximation error; god I can do the math for you if you want, but I bet even a disel bus with a lot of passengers has a better efficency/passenger ratio than an EV.

    So 1 electric car = 4 less carbon liquid fuelled cars worth of pollution.

    Also I think this is a bit misleading: if I buy an EV this won’t magically destroy 4 (where is this number from?) already existing carbon liquid cars, it merely means you avoided adding 1 other ICE car to the total.