That’s a fair point.
That’s a fair point.
Is it worth the hype that Apple and cell carriers are throwing at it? Not really, but do I, as a user, enjoy a lot of the new features? For sure.
Double tap to type to Siri is great, and access to ChatGPT for answers Siri doesn’t know is much better than, “I couldn’t find the answer. Would you like me to search the internet?” And as a person with slight dyslexia and ADHD, Proofread is a fucking god send.
I like to imagine he got snapped while on a flight on his private jet…
Stupid Jimmy Pesto.
lol. If the right could read/ wanted to the Bible would be one of the first books they would ban.
There’s always money in the Banana Stand.
You can already do this yourself.
On a browser, go to, log into your account, go to your account settings, uncheck show NSFW content, check blur NSFW content, scroll down and hit the the save button and then logout. Whether or not the show NSFW content button is selected on the Voyager app is a moot point it will not override what is selected on your profile.
Considering how much they charge per key, they can probably send out new keys to everyone without making much a dent in their profits.
Come check out Comcast’s New Quantum Internet plans! Up to instantaneously Download speeds and almost 40 mbs Upload speeds! Amazing! And if you get our route we’ll make you pay for it forever, and then charge you for it if it doesn’t look new when you return it! Life changing! Don’t forget our data caps! While it cost us a fraction of a fraction of what we charge you to send slightly more or less of your data we’re gonna charge ya for it anyway because fuck you! Bend over!
All in the name of avoiding doing the obvious thing.
Throw her into Gen Pop and forget about her.
Now now now, let us not jump to any logical conclusions. It could turn out that while in handcuffs in the back of the police car he managed to put his own knee on his throat and choked himself to death.
The current plan is the same as the old plan, for Butch and Suni to ride Starliner back home for a safe landing in the desert. The 45 day limit was initially set due to lack of knowledge on how Starliner’s batteries would perform in space, due to their extended stay they have had ample time to test the batteries and they are currently testing and acting nominally thus allowing for the extended stay. Their stay has been extended for NASA and Boeing to do as much testing as possible on the trunk of Starliner, the part of Starliner that had all of the issues. The reason for the stay is that once Butch and Suni depart from the ISS in Starliner and head for home the trunk will separate from Starliner and burn up (hopefully) on reentry thus making any testing on the main culprit of all issues that Starliner had impossible. This is getting to a diatribe so I will end it here. If you have more questions just ask.
48 days and counting, three days longer than Starliner’s initial 45 day limit set by NASA and 40 days longer than the initially planned mission return.
I would upvote this twice if I could.
Here’s a BBC article about it as well:
lol. Gross. But lol.
You know what Republican white Jesus always says, “When the going gets tough, attack a child.”
I am already looking forward to the reboot where Skeletor is played by Joaquin Phoenix.