Mmhmm yes definitely. Felon already has their money. New ones on the lot though?
Mmhmm yes definitely. Felon already has their money. New ones on the lot though?
You just literally said (interpretive paraphrasing), “I like big butts and I cannot lie”
No, I strongly disagree that Harris would have all DEI removed, all black history everything paused for the military, etc. Harris was not going to push for more tax breaks for the ultra rich. The project 2025 agenda was not going to be pursued under Harris. You may not approve of the Harris agenda, but they are not remotely comparable except through an absolutist all or nothing lens. Claiming they are the same is absurd.
Sure sure, because under Kalama Harris this was how January was going to go too, yep.
It’s hilarious when people think it is anything other than a 2 party system.
“I’m a leftist!” Helps get a rapist felon fascist get elected
Where I live, you celebrate for surviving birth for a day, and an extra day for every decade you survive.
Oh damn maybe we’re related. Wing?
I mean, we see no problem using a brain dead man to run the US so why not!?
Yes. This. Are they looking for understanding or solutioning?
Typically venting…
Ask. It saves you both frustration.
Slow talkers amirite!?
Similar. I have both. However, not all autism is the same.
As for the social stuff, your skills are underdeveloped. It’s like watching a toddler run because there are skills others developed at a much younger age. You may always struggle with it, but you can learn how to cope, and you can improve.
You can learn to watch for non verbal cues, learn when to listen vs talk. You can learn when to stop fact dumping and instead ask questions.
You aren’t alone. It can get better. I would recommend watching some YouTube videos on communication and social skills.
Be interested in other people’s journeys and skill sets. Perhaps people will think you’re different, but they will like you.
Settle on an organization that objectively makes sense for you. Don’t set unreasonable expectations for yourself.
I just shake the water to carbonation using a stainless steel 2 gallon tank with a tap I keep in the fridge.
I use a squeeze of lime in my glass before adding the water and it’s great!
It used to be. In fact ideally you were descended from a freemason and also vouched for.
Times change.
They used to wield real power or influence in protestant Midwestern and East coast areas in the 1800 to early 1900s.
Ooh next up is bowties and moustaches sadly…
The lye concentration used to make soap is rather nasty if it gets on your skin and you don’t deal with it immediately. Source: I’ve made a lot of soap from scratch.
It royally fucked up Asheville NC where the Federal Climate Center is
Akshually… That trash wood turned into pellets would otherwise rot, which releases CO2, but also methane. And methane is considered a far more powerful greenhouse gas.
So the net is in our favor.
Standing dead forests should be made into charcoal and plowed into food fields, which is very stable stuff and the biogas used instead of natural gas in my opinion.
Escape Trailers are Canadian made. No slide out stuff but they’re fiberglass and won’t leak. Made in BC
I think they prefer “Canukastani”, so do honor them with that. Also, I stead of crude language like G** D***, just exclaim “Hockey Syrup!”
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