100 percent agree. Recruiters are a waste of oxygen. Back when I was in school I attended this massive recruiting meet and greet. Head hunters from the largest firms in the area attended and talked with the students about career prospects. A recruiter from a big firm was there bragging about her arbitrary strict screening process for resumes. This Karen, a failed elementary school teacher, gloated about how she required a full page cover letter, and a full page resume. There could not be any blank space. She would measure the margins and if not exactly I inch she would throw the applicant in the reject pile. The cover letter would have to be a full page long. If any length less than 1 full page straight to reject pile. However she stated would never actually read the cover letter.
A week later I attended a Q and A with several partners from the biggest firms in the area. They all talked about how they hated absolutely HATED cover letters and bloated resumes. All they looked for was prior experience, grade point average, and whether the applicant is licensed or not. Funny enough the partner from the same firm as the Karen recruiter had a 2 minute rant on why he hated cover letters.
2 gets a bad rap. Hitting yourself to increase max health works against yourself in the long run. Many late game monsters do % of max health damage. Characters with inflated max health will struggle more in those battles. I played the game normally with minimal grinding and ran into no issue.