Part of having an open mind is trying to consider your personal biases and where you lack knowledge and expertise. One of the reasons you are getting negative responses is that you stated a very broad generalization that simply isn’t true. Life is not black and white, it is grey and invincible against simple explanations.
I have, but that has nothing to do with my previous comment. My friend, your original post (that you have now edited, don’t move the goalposts just because you want to fight) made broad generalizations. My comment was an attempt to help you learn how to reflect and be critical about your beliefs: I thought that might be something a user with the name “open_mind” would appreciate. Fuck me, right? Well done on showing everyone what an open mind you have. Learn how to question yourself when you feel like fighting and spreading negativity. Just because others didn’t react the way you expected doesn’t make them wrong or bad, and being a dick to someone who was trying to have a constructive conversation is spreading negativity–what you were originally complaining about.