It’s the new 2/3 compromise.
I never really paid attention to the level gain ratio. I’d look here for that kind of question.
That’s an easy one - no. You can look back to various periods during middle ages Europe for examples. An even stronger one would be China from about 400 CE-800 CE
Of course, those weren’t capitalist economies - but they were economies. Capitalism’s instability is what requires constant growth to maintain. The better (and harder) questions would be what to transition to that avoids the issues of feudalism and how to transition with a minimum of societal upheaval (violence and death).
Since people are posting games, I’ll throw in Realms of Despair
But it would not work on older non-GNU versions of tar.
GNU introduced the “–foo” style long options, and it was a long time before Unix versions began adopting them.
$126,500 per person, plus another $20,240 in housing expenses. Plus your $13,850 standard deduction (though if you’re making that much you’re probably itemizing for more). So $160,590 for an individual or $321,180 for married filing jointly. That’s assuming no kids and no other deductions or credits - which is pretty unlikely at that income level.
$160,590 is the 93rd percentile for US income distribution. So yeah, if you (AND your partner, if any) are both in the top 7% income bracket, bad at tax preparation, and don’t hire an accountant, you might still pay tax on the income over that amount. Of course, making that much while keeping the kind of ethics that let you care about anyone other than yourself is a nontrivial endeavor.
Don’t forget that your foreign employer won’t be reporting to the IRS. So if your protest extends to not voluntarily reporting that excess income …
Not tipping only punishes the victim, not the employer.
The title is unreasonably generous. The apology is entirely self serving and meaningless.
It’s clearly only to ensure his business is not affected, reduce the threat of prosecution (being considered by law enforcement, presumably for assault), and to encourage leniency from the judge if it gets that far.
Apology not accepted.
Not everyone that disagrees with a law is in a position to immediately change it.
Not necessarily. There is a foreign earned income exclusion, so if you pay income taxes on it in the country where you’re living you don’t pay taxes to the US.
Because it’s a shit job with minimal pay, physically demanding, and the hours are usually cut in the off-season.
A less euphemistic term in English is “regulatory capture”
The cost-of living crisis is so bleak that some Gen Zers
genuinely fear becomingare homeless
That would be silly when they have last year’s sales numbers to go off of.
That wasn’t luck - it was best practice backup strategy.
As your linked site points out, they rated that way based on a bias toward veganism. Since fluoride is not animal based, that doesn’t have any bearing on this particular topic.
If you had bothered to watch the videos, you’d have noticed that they cite and link the primary source research studies they refer to. The position they take is also rather nuanced - not “fluoride bad” but “There is not insignificant but not overwhelming evidence that fluoride intake should be reduced during pregnancy”
Why are we posting corporate advertising in News now?