Sounds like taxes with extra steps.
Sounds like taxes with extra steps.
The EU can’t “save” the rest of the world alone, true. All I’m saying is it doesn’t necessarily require the entire globe to cooperate to outlaw something just because it’s on the Internet. And that Mozilla scheme won’t save you either.
I mean they don’t have to literally jail advertisers (although I’d love that). I’d agree with hefty fines. Which, while not perfect, several EU laws have shown is possible unilaterally (e.g. Apple allowing third party app stores in the EU, albeit kicking and screaming).
I agree that it’s a mountain to climb, but we sure won’t reach the summit if we walk in the other direction.
Opt-in IS simple. Mom just won’t opt in.
Privacy based advertizing:
Develop ad
Think about what websites your target demographic will probably frequent. (Be creative, dear marketing person! You can do it! This is the essence of what you’re getting paid for!)
Pay those sites to display your ad
Forget about the technical details and whether the user understands what it is.
No. Why? It’s simple. They are collecting data I don’t want the ad networks to have instead of the ad networks and give it to the ad networks. That’s only more private than the status quo if I’m okay with them to have this data and trust them to handle it responsibly. Which I have no reason to.
which is why they correctly say that the user won’t understand the Feature.
See explanation above. That’s not too complicated to explain to a person that managed to turn on the computer. It only gets complicated when you try to follow the mental gymnastics you need to think this feature adds privacy for anybody.
Sadly, tracking is the only way to perform attribution without help from the browser. Tracking is terrible for privacy, because it gives companies detailed information about what you do online. While Firefox includes many privacy protections that make it more difficult for sites to track you online (Enhanced Tracking Protection, Total Cookie Protection, Query Parameter Stripping, and many other measures), there’s a huge incentive for sites to find ways around these in order to perform attribution. Our hope is that if we develop a good attribution solution, it will offer a real alternative to more objectionable practices like tracking.
“Our hope is, that if we transfer the bank robber some of our money in advance, they’ll not come in and rob all of it.”
No! Jail the fucker!
People who don’t pay income tax in the first place because they are so rich they don’t need a normal income. Those need to be taxed more.
I don’t think that’s what they’re getting at.
If “should” is all the argument you’ve got, I’m not convinced.
It is actually an excellent idea, because it ensures billionaires don’t just move to Switzerland to evade taxes.
“Petrol price controls”
If I were a dev, that wouldn’t be my priority in a first person Game either.
I repeatedly spend time deciding on clothing choices etc for my character only to proceed to never actually see them outside the menu.
BotW was originally developed for the WiiU, which it also released on. It is not a “handheld game”, and tbh I’d take it’s gameplay loop over Nier Automata or Shadow of War any day of the week.
Because you don’t wade through hordes and hordes of individually weak enemies. (There are many but compare it to Diablo.)
I don’t get why Diablo-likes are called ARPG’s.
We used to call them “Hack 'n Slash”. I guess studios didn’t think that term marketing friendly.
Funny you should say that. It’s usually my line when I tell people to not buy games from companies like that. We’ve been telling people these things would happen at some point back when steam was starting up.
That is exactly the point. “Hmmm, maybe it’s fine if some high quality mods can make some money” no! This is “it’s just cosmetics” all over again. Give them a finger, they’ll be taking the arm and suing you for the other one soon. Don’t! Just don’t! If you want creators to make money, donate.
Someone donates $1, 200 times. Then charges them all back. Paypal charges you $15 processing fee for each chargeback
Don’t use PayPal. That’s a good policy in general.
Stardew Valley is on switch though? It’s also on gog.com which is preferable anyway. No launcher required.
I guess that’s what they’re aiming for, to turn the general public against protests (even more).