I eat meat, but elephants are a little too intelligent for me to be ok with their meat. I’m also not starving and in a drought, so that would probably change my mind…
I eat meat, but elephants are a little too intelligent for me to be ok with their meat. I’m also not starving and in a drought, so that would probably change my mind…
Stop plunging? When it bottoms out, everything I’ve read says when it bottoms out. The insulated one was on sale, and I can’t remember ever seeing a regular metal french press. I have thrown mine in the dishwasher. I usually just rinse it, or quick hand wash it, but I’ve tossed it in the dishwasher plenty.
I use an insulated FP because the glass ones would break after a year or so of just standard use. The insulated metal one I’ve had is going on 13 years now. I have only recently had to replace the plunger, as it wore out and was allowing grinds to pass on the side.
Spaghetti (most pasta/sauce combos), chili.
I’ve never had red beans and rice, but that looks like something I would like.
Any one else notice that we keep having ‘news’ stories about peoples opinions? I was watching the actual news (don’t do that much lately) and the 80% of their ‘reporting’ was getting peoples hot takes on what happened. Like, wtf do I care what some random fuck who was filling their gas tank up while you were on site ‘reporting’ thinks about some kids stealing shit from that gas station?
Came here to ask the same question.
It’s bad everywhere, but what’s scariest to me is the stories my girlfriend tells me about the hospitals she works in. She is a traveling radiographer and gets to visit some of the sketchier hospitals across the country. There seems to be a running theme of “we don’t have enough people” and a few bootlickers enabling it with working 90+ hour weeks. Every time you see in the news where a nurse accidentally screws something up, there is a running trail of them being over worked and short staffed. They pay my gf 3-5 times what they pay their xray tech staff, AND pay her room and board, AND a huge percentage on top of that to the contract house. The ineptitude of your run of the mill hospital administration is just…scary.
Headline could reach “Wealthy person found loopholes and illegal ways to keep more of their money.” I mean, if you’re gonna eat the Candy Korn, EAT EM ALL :)
Quality hasn’t printed out complaint reports since the 90s in most places. But, yeah about the same impact by the end of the day…or quarter.
They keep a record of complaints as part of their CAPA. Any food related issues should always be reported, helps quality dept.s push for more funding.
It’s exactly what I would expect from EA. They haven’t got a cent from me in years.