Yes, but Trumps policies will only benefit Tesla both in the US and abroad. This news isn’t relevant outside of the US, where more than 50% of EVs sold in America are Teslas.
Your point is valid, but irrelevant.
Yes, but Trumps policies will only benefit Tesla both in the US and abroad. This news isn’t relevant outside of the US, where more than 50% of EVs sold in America are Teslas.
Your point is valid, but irrelevant.
They meant where this news matters, in the US. BYD currently cannot sell passenger vehicles in America.
That’s fair - I should have said major browsers to be more clear. Edited above.
The overwhelming majority of development to Chromium is done by Google and not the open source contributors to the project. Maintaining a browser is not something that can be done for free as a hobby. It requires an army of full-time developers to sustain.
Given all of the major browsers except Firefox are using Chromium, the best case scenario for spinning off Chrome is that Microsoft would pick up the lion’s share of development to keep Edge up to date.
This is the same reason that all of the major Linux distributions have large foundations to support them.
The DoJ would do less harm to the internet if they just forced Google to sell off Search instead. Then they’d be an advertising and cloud services company that happens to maintain a major browser to serve their ads.
This is the right take. This move would be so deleterious to the way the internet works on a foundational level at this point, it’s almost ridiculous. It would impact the world less if the courts forced google to sell off Search.
The idea of who might have the assets to acquire this company and be an organization that would be preferable to Google maintaining control of Chrome doesn’t conjure many candidates. The best case scenario would be Microsoft, and they aren’t buying a browser company.
Completely agree with you, fuck Google, fuck their monopolistic business practices, fuck their increasingly surveillance driven operating model, and fuck their gutless leadership for allowing their company to be reduced to an advertising enshittification factory after becoming so deeply ingrained in the way the internet is used that it became a verb.
I think it’s less that young white men actively supported Trump because the Dems didn’t pander to them, and more that young, upper-middle class, suburban white men were altogether uninspired to vote because in either scenario, they wagered they’d be okay.
The lesson seems to be a very clear and unfortunate rebuke of women as presidential candidates, but very specifically black women, as Harris seems to have gotten even less support in this demographic than Clinton did. It’s shameful, but I believe that if Newsom had been the nominee and ran a near identical campaign, Israel and all, that he’d likely be president elect today.
It’s the worms. 🤫
They may not have gotten the memo that he dropped out, though. 🧐
Electioneering is a hell of a drug.
The Democrats, a broken clock like most political parties, happen to be landing on one of their twice daily “right” slots?
The same could be said of Trump debating a seasoned Junior High Debate Club member.
You’re on to something. He must get some kind of satisfaction out of proving that he really doesn’t have any scruples or integrity. I’m sure it’s a bonus that he knows it’s very difficult for anyone to force him to stop what he’s doing. He’s “owning the libs” by just being out and out corrupt and a crappy person without even trying to maintain appearances. It’s fucking weird.
My favorite part about modern republicans is that they made me look back fondly on former republican leaders who I used to despise. “Ahhhhh… binders of women. Those were the days.”
In fairness, it’s Wired who called them creatives, while Adobe called them artists.
Influencers are paid product shills. Most have no scruples or real positions. They produce whatever content will attract followers so that they can maximize their sponsorship dollars. These aren’t serious opinions anyone should pay much mind to.
She, in particular, does seem to be earning more rebuke from her Republican peers of late. Some of them have recognized that the antics on display by Greene and her ilk are beginning to wear on constituents more and more by the day, and are attempting to distance themselves in acts of self preservation.
While I hope that it doesn’t work and that these folks also lose their voice and seat, it does seem to bode well that at least a minor course correction is happening in the GOP, if not far too late. I’m not completely optimistic, though, because the constituency hasn’t suddenly become less divided - we’ve just seemingly found the bounds of the caricature the right wing of this country is comfortable with being publicly represented by.
Target’s difficulty in Canada had more to do with logistics and existing trucking routes than anything else. They assumed they could push Canadian governments to allow for the creation of new carrier contracts, but they were wrong, and as a result their supply chain was immediately hamstrung.
The stores in Canada had a harder time getting goods, which caused the company to raise prices accordingly. Images of the stores show many empty shelves, which doesn’t encourage shopping. Canadian consumers weren’t without other options locally, and those shoppers on the US border found it easier and more advantaged to cross over and shop at Target stores in the US should they have a need.
Not true. If terminated for performance concerns, most companies would consider that “for cause” meaning that you would be ineligible for severance. The only costs are the OpEx of the manager and HR team member’s time in addition to the “lost productivity” that your underperformance caused.
And yet people are considering withholding votes for, or voting against Biden. As a Jew who believes in Israel’s right to exist, I guess I now hate Israel and my Judaism. It’s okay. Self loathing is something most stereotypes declare we’re comfortable with at this point.
Well of course. He’s a Wagenius - the evil mirror version of a regular Genius. Like Wario, or Waluigi.