You can, if you write really small
You can, if you write really small
.bak is good, ranger even hides files with it
4GB? I think you should clean up a little, do a like debloating
It’s like the evil [character] meme where an image of them was inverted, along with a caption of something that’s the opposite of what they’d say. So, here dystopia is basically depicted as “evil utopia”
I once updated shortly before pandoc got updated, and I have the habit of running yay again so it says that no packages need updating. On this occasion however, I suddenly had more updates than before
Presumably, tho it might be a little difficult. SVGs use a lot of paths, where you specify the edges of elements. Afaik you can’t do that exact thing in CSS but you could probably split it up into a bunch of triangles. Idk how you’d want to do bezier curves tho
A couple of profs tell the students at our school to use it. Students would ask me (a tutor) “can you help me with this problem with eclipse?” and then point to the worst UI anyone ever created. I want to like it, because open source and stuff, but it’s just horrible
On my laptop where I do most of my work I have Ctrl+q but on my desktop I play silly little computergames on I changed it to ALT+q after accidentally closing one of the aforementioned games
My bank doesn’t know for some reason. I don’t even pass (as femme but that’s not relevant) safetynet, but it doesn’t seem to care. Sadly can’t pay with my phone or watch tho
Did it, my laptops WiFi card isn’t supported. Couldn’t really be bothered to fix it because that would’ve been a whole dang can of worms
Kinda, pretty much all complete PCs you buy are assigned windows at sale
Check Out the PE (pocket edition) launcher. If you have a license on the Google play store at least. It’s actually not half-bad, runs smoothly and has the regular amount of m&k as well as controller support
I mean, it’s not “haha, windows user gay” but that he’s getting fucked over by Microsoft
It needs a flaw to be fun; there has to be a problem that made it unfit for production and the solution lowered the power. Too inefficient, too inaccurate, too big, too unsafe, too unreliable. Make it a fun thing the player can play around so it’s a sidegrade rather than an upgrade
Let me fight elitism with more elitism: when looking at a distro you only see the desktop environment and its defaults. You don’t even understand in what ways mint is different from windows because you probably don’t even interact with the deeper stuff. You only see the start menu and nothing else. You probably distrohop only for a different DE because you don’t know how to switch it without a full reinstall of a completely new OS. You probably don’t even understand in what other ways distros differ, so when looking for what you want to install you just look at the pretty little pictures instead of actually reading what the distro is about. You’re a distro elitist for the wrong reason and I hereby banish you from the distro elitism club
Vim actually has a surprising ammount of features already built in, you don’t even really need any Plugins. It has a file browser, terminal emulator, and window tiling built in
I read the Wikipedia a little and apparently A to A cables can damage your devices, and the ones that do exist are for specific purposes and should only be used in those specific scenarios, and often they are more than just cables and have some computational stuff inside them