As a German this amount of regulations, rules and bureaucracy astonishes me :D
As a German this amount of regulations, rules and bureaucracy astonishes me :D
I know it’s a bit difficult, coming from your bubble and all but most things people do are not related to their sexuality but personality. If you saw a hetero guy or gal post selfies like that you would also not think of them being hetero as the reason why they do this but because they like this pose / think they look cute like that.
This is an unconscious bias. It takes some time to rewire your brain. But I see you are willing to and that’s already the best start.
He did that already before he was elected… that guy is straight up disgusting
I really hope you do. Currently making a lot of people very nervous around the globe :D
I want to add that trans women in most cases are not distinguishable from cis born women. Treating them differently will backfire sooner or later. It just makes no sense, they are suffering with us, they are our allies!
Given the current state of the US: does it really matter? Is there a real potential for Musk to face any consequences from this?
So they developed some kind of progress bar, that allows the whole world to track the USAs way to fascism? Interesting choice
They are mixing US politics and German politics. That’s the only reason I could think of someone calling Habeck elite ;D
Edit to add that if you look at the money, the AfD and right-wing CDU are the “elites” or at least that’s how they like to see themselves.
Dipping the sausage directly in the jar, it’s low carb ಠ_ಠ
How dare you!!!
That was still the event that triggered the current escalation. I don’t get your problem here? People waited yesterday the whole day for the instance to be cleaned up while things became worse. That’s why things are the way they currently are.
Edit to add: I’m very confused why you not just added the info that things are solved now and the admin showed up instead of starting a fight… so I’ll stop answering now.
The moment I wrote the comment my all was still spammed with furry-trans-porn not marked as NSFW and a whole lot of threads from people being mad about what heppend there. So even if the problem is solved now. It wasn’t just a few hours ago.
They will tell you that this result was inevitable and to look at the positive side of things (what ever this may be). Which is easy to do or say since they are not Palestinians
A person defining Nazis as evil lefts, hating on trans people and “wokeness” created several communities and posted in them.
People reported the user, communities and posts but it seems the instance is abandoned (no reaction from their admin) and things are escalating now.
Watching Leopards eating each other’s faces is my favorite pastime
Corkscrew penis is what it’s called at least in Germany and I think this is pretty accurate…
There’s not more context than this. Meat consumption is a topic they often use to rile people up. And it works. Totally out of the blue on Christmas the braindead part of my family started to rant about people who dare to put vegetables on a grill instead of meat.
This topic pulls the right(s) triggers so they play it on repeat and that’s what this meme is about.
Edit: I totally forgot today a few years back a politician from the AfD said something song the lines of “we are going to get you, too grain eater” to someone ordering the vegetarian option in the canteen if the Bundestag.
What’s described in this article is a symptom which is not caused by technical progress but by poverty and greed
Hmmm, I bet it’s 146%