Yeah for example I started on and then there was some defederation drama. So I made an account on because they don’t block any instances. Just to give me the entirety of the fediverse. Plus it’s good to have a backup in case a server goes down.
Yeah I guess for boba tea they’re useful. Also if you whiten your teeth and are worried about staining them.
Thanks for tan eggs! I never knew I needed this! xD
2000s had pop punk!
Idk I feel like moderates punch both left and right lol. The extremists on both sides are annoying.
I’m the same way. The idea of some part of me living on and ending up who knows where freaks me out. (The same way I’d be, while extremely grateful, also weirded out having a transplant and knowing some dead person’s inside me). And I guess I’d like to know with certainty I will be safe and AT REST in some place. Yes I understand that all of this is irrational. But no matter how many times I read these debates, I can’t seem to let go and make it feel okay. Like you, I’m not religious.
So yeah I get that I sound cuckoo, the same way I think religions sound cuckoo. I guess this means I’m spiritual in a way, or just agnostic. Because if I was truly atheist, none of this would matter and I wouldn’t care.
Also I like to think it’s somehow related to me being a bit of a pack-rat (maybe not a hoarder, but definitely a pack-rat). I tend to ascribe feeling to objects and get attached and then can’t throw stuff out. Lol.
That being said – I’d be all for it if my organs were given to a loved one. 100% no qualms about it.
Phone cameras are kind of useless for makeup. It’s just good for checking if your hair and lipstick are in place, also if you have food on your chin.