Even in Europe everyone I know is following this story.
Even in Europe everyone I know is following this story.
WhatsApp is everywhere. Even at school it’s used for parents discussions. I have Signal but not using it since nobody has it…
I don’t know why social media are used for training. It’s like the worst quality of data ever and it results to answers like « go kill youself » when prompted about something sad…
The other side at the bottom would be easier (one cut no angles)
People downvoting me : feel free to add something. I get from the downvote that thinking it’s too late is unpopular opinion.
I’m not sure if triggering WW3 just before a guy not caring into NATO takes the lead is a good idea, that should have been allowed years prior…
I have exactly the same feeling. Work life and kids. When finally I had two hours of free time at 21pm when everyone was sleeping the other day, I spent one hour looking at my huge steam library of games that I bought on previous sales and still never played. I really wanted to spend those 2 hours on a good quality game but could not figure out which one. In the end I figured out it was not worth starting a new game for only one hour and wasted the remaining time watching useless stuff on YouTube…
But there is a discover feed in Mastodon, isn’t it ? That’s what I use to discover new accounts. Am I missing something ? For me Mastodon is way better that twitter and I wish more people used it.
For 280GB on Glacier : around 1 USD each month For 400GB of hot storage on OVH public cloud : around 5 EUR per month.
In my process I have to sort pictures and video before sending them to cold storage because I don’t want to cold-store all the failed footages, obviously I have some delay here. That is something I usually do during the long winter evenings 😊
I have all my photos on my NAS whith backups to OVH storage for recent data and AWS glacier for folders of pictures older than two years. I can afford to lose all my ISOs but not all the pictures of my child. Never tried to recover data from AWS glacier but I trust them.
Can’t those app offer this feature : replace all the original data by pseudo random data shifting the menstruation cycle in a way that would benefit the user at that moment ? Or : shift all data to x days (easier to undo)
It’s crazy that we live in a world where we have to think about such things…
People like Charlie Kirk spreading the opinion that abortion is murder, are to blame for this…
The Republican agenda is to strip the country of public services and make them private enterprises
Feedback from an European country : everything privatised in the last 15 years became more expensive for a worse quality of service. Belgian electricity market, phone, France electricity, etc …
Sorry English is not my primary language but thank you for that kindly worded correction. That’s indeed what I intended to say ;) I’ll remember that.
It already happened that I invited friends using a formula like : feel free to come in my house whenever you want. Same meaning ?
It will be as successfull as the twitter to x rebranding
After browsing facebook for one hour I also got to the conclusion that all those people publishing in Science are lying. /s