Thanks for the links! Looking forward to this.
Thanks for the links! Looking forward to this.
Thanks! It just threw an error at me when I launched it, but I’ll see what I can do. Based of the warnings in the admin panel, there isn’t anything critical for me to address, I just hate that orange.
Since it’s winter and I mostly don’t want to leave my house, I busted out an unused Raspberry Pi 4b a couple weeks ago. Started with CasaOS and AdGuard. Have now added a few other services including Navidrome to serve up a lot of local-area music for myself and friends. Got a Cloudflare tunnel set up, then some authentication through CF as well. And finally secured a static IP from my ISP. This is the farthest along I’ve ever gotten with any of this and it’s been going great. Nearly every hurdle I’ve encountered I’ve been able to work through.
Two things causing me grief today though:
I also have Nextcloud hosted on a VPS and I cannot get to the point of running occ commands. First it wasn’t found, then no php cli, then just errors. I gave up.
I’m using Homer because it’s just so simple, but the theming and CSS is driving me nuts. Sure, I can change colors, but will this little bar in the neon theme change from 4em to 100% for me? NOPE. Override fonts? Nosir. All good though.
More interactive than CYOA, more restrictive than traditional text adventures. Kind of point-and-clicky. IDK. I’m intrigued and will keep an eye on it. I hope they release the SDK well in advance of launch at least.
Ah, comment hadn’t federated to piefed, I guess. I had the same feelings as you though. There’s a lot and it just isn’t all that intuitive.
I’ve been using Ionos for things for like 10 years now. I’ve had a medium VPS running for a couple years and just spun up an XS last night. No issues!
I’ve been working through similar struggles for the past week. Just unusably slow speeds off network whether through a Cloudflare tunnel, Wireguard, or direct. I’m going to have to break down today and actually call my ISP to see what I can do.
I recently saw AdventureLog, is that along the lines of what you’re looking for?
Not only do I put my cart away, I will take a few extra seconds to organize a couple carts that have just been pushed in all willy nilly (my grocery store has 2 sizes of cart). Like if I can take 30 seconds out of my life to make some else’s day just a little bit easier, I definitely will.
It’s like they got all the way through “Elephant” before they realized that “Man” wouldn’t work to balance the title on either side of the top hat, so they just tossed it on.
Backdrops is usually my go-to. I also used Tapet happily for a long time.
She’s so good and underrated.
And 1990s Tanya Donnelly…She makes me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class.
Under the Rainbow (1981) probably isn’t what you’re looking for, eh?
I’ve been looking for something to track my physical book, music, and game collections. An instance of this might work nicely. Thanks!
100% agree on the sound, it’s been pretty shit for most of the artists sets I’ve watched. But seeing Krist, Dave, and Pat playing together? Awesome. Loved Annie and Kim’s vocals, Joan sounded alright, and Violet doing All Apologies with them was more emotional than I expected.
This is an excellent explanation! Nice job simplifying it.
I should get back to Great Circle, but I dug my 3DS out recently and started Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. My first time playing the series and I’m enjoying it.
Also slowly making my way through the Sega Ages version of Phantasy Star - a game I’ve been enamored with since the SMS days, but never given a lot of time. The Ages features make it so much more accessible.
I’m a Salesforce admin. On a personal level I like it because it’s kind of a mess and I can spend time on random crap. That’s not to say that I think it’s GOOD.
Last week I had some issue and decided to give Agentforce a chance before opening a case. It rephrased a standard help page I had already read. I rephrased my question with more detail. It rephrased the same help page again. I opened a case.
Turns out what I was seeing was a known issue. Support gave me a link to the page and a fix was already pending. So the bot that they are using for case deflection doesn’t appear to search known issues at all. If you’re trying to get everyone to buy into a product, your implementation of it should be strikingly good at what it’s supposed to do.
I agree with this. I’m running CasaOS on a Pi4. Having the initial ease of one click installs gives you a great start, then you’ll start to find that you need to manage some port assignments, then you’ll start learning about Docker environment variables, then you’ll be managing custom installs.
Awesome-Selfhosted is a great resource. Just browse and try something interesting.
My own recent journey went like this:
Run AdGuard Add DokuWiki, Navidrome, Mealie Set up Cloudflare Tunnels Add FreshRSS, Homer, SearchXNG
I also have Nextcloud on a VPS, but the fun is on the Pi.