Rob Wile is a moron. All he listed is Corona and Modelo.
Rob Wile is a moron. All he listed is Corona and Modelo.
They’re located all over the world, just find one that’s close to you and enjoy :)
Just in time for Usenet Black Friday sales :)
Check out Kasm too, you can easily install blender into it.
Floppy distros were all the rage. Here’s another one, still got a few floppies of it floating around the lab!
Somebody wants a 0day for x-mas :)
Security Tools Distribution :)
Linux STD! Waaaay before skiddos had backtrack or kali
I see you finally beat Harvest Moon, nice!
Its on the landing page, so that won’t help since you won’t be able to connect to your VPN yet.
Sounds like a good way to get a Superbowl ring design embossed in your face.
I’d rather watch ads than this kid.
I believe the search term you seek may be “commercial signage display”
Sweet, thanks!
Wal-Mart had redhat 5 on sale and the xplane screenshot on the back handled the rest.
At least one hour outside any Midwest city.
Free as in beer