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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I think genocide is bad. I think Israel is committing genocide against Palestine. It’s absolutely disgusting and I would love if the USA could/would somehow cut the cord on support until they stop permanently. I say “could” because when talking about geopolitics, the world is extremely complicated, and I know that I, and probably every person here, don’t know everything the US government does regarding relations with Israel and the implications of cutting off support. I’m not putting on a tin foil hat or anything, I just know that I don’t know everything, so it would be disingenuous to say that it’s as easy as just saying no to Israel.

    The problem I have, is that comments like yours saying that Harris is 100% pro genocide, which is an emotionally charged statement to complex situation. Those types of comments infer information, pass it as facts, and then use that to attack her. I don’t think there is anything wrong with being critical of the situation, and i believe discourse is healthy for growth and betterment, but these are just brute force attacks that don’t help the situation. They don’t leave room for an open dialogue, and are more likely to hurt Harris’s chances of winning in November. I do believe that at the root of of these statements, the intent is to pressure the admin for change, but I think that it has the adverse effect due to the way the argument is presented, especially because currently as VP, she doesn’t have the power to change anything anyway.

    I feel like a broken record saying this in Lemmy, but when November comes, there will be two candidates with a chance to be POTUS. Until then, Harris’s #1 goal is to get elected, because if that doesn’t happen then she can’t do anything anyways. Attacking that and turning off voters can end the most important part of change. After the election is complete and if she wins, go to town on the hard protesting when she actually can enact change and Trump is no longer a legitimate threat to the future of the US and likely a much worse situation for Palestine.

    To reiterate, I hope Netanyahu faces punishment for the atrocities that he has ordered. I hope that there is a Nuremberg Trials type situation once all of this is resolved, and that people face consequence. I hope that I’m wrong and it’s super easy, and that Harris sees the light and says “no”.

  • The adviser, Phil Gordon, said on social media on Thursday morning that Ms. Harris would “always ensure Israel is able to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups.” He added: “She does not support an arms embargo on Israel. She will continue to work to protect civilians in Gaza and to uphold international humanitarian law.”

    Which part of that is pro genocide? In my opinion, I would like a stronger stance against Israel, but defending allies against attack and fighting to defend Gaza are not what you’re claiming. Perhaps they will end up as empty words, but your claims are baseless as of right now. If Harris was already president, maybe you have an argument, but until then it’s pure speculation.