Do you have any instances you suggest, I’m new to fediverse and picked this one at random
Do you have any instances you suggest, I’m new to fediverse and picked this one at random
And here I thought the autism they gave you were bad enough.
Plus you get your wizard powers after 30
Yes it’s called sailing the sea
You think voters can’t be sexist or racist?
Can some people who are willing to post something other than American politics and Reddit bashing posts join lemmy soon, I’m sick of my entire feed being nothing but all these negative topics
All the democrats had to do was field a white male opponent against Trump who can be charming and give good speeches. Instead they put up a biracial woman, who the fuck amongst the democrats thought that America was ready for a biracial woman president, like did they do zero pooling to figure out what the people wanted, aren’t politicians supposed to know the pulse of the nation, it’s literally their job to serve the citizens of the country. They should have made Bernie or even Walz the presidential candidate and Kamal could have been the VP
More like the crook who stole the company from under its founders, ruined their vision for it and further fucked them over just to satisfy his ego and greed
I’m talking about individuals choosing euthanasia of their own free will, not others choosing that option for someone.
I was referring to auto euthanasia, where the person choses it of his own will, of course lots and lots of saftey and security checks need to still be added to make sure no one is being coerced into it
This is why I detest the idea of keeping someone alive at any cost that’s currently the law, euthanasia should be legalized and available to everyone, at some point we all have to die, I don’t understand why make people suffer into old age, we put pets down when they get too old and sick because we know that’s mercy, then why is the same mercy not shown to human beings.
Edit: I am talking about auto euthanasia, aka an individuals right to chose his own end, not others making that choice for old / sick people
I want this plus perfect memory recall, imagine reading or watching something once and being able to remember it forever and bring that memory back whenever you want
So you want the power of the sun in the palm of your hand as well huh
Yup, he found religion as well
Man what did Casey do now?
Laptops aren’t funko pops, no one’s buying extra cause they want to get one in every color. People buy them out of necessity. So no this isn’t gonna discourage anything, maybe it’ll get people to try and repair their older laptops, but because of corporate greed, most modern laptops aren’t designed for repair ability, rather they go out of their way to make it harder to repair, and they don’t release sufficient schematics and spare parts needed for repair, not to mention there are only so many technicians or tech savvy people with the know how to repair them.
Check the labels of all the stuff in your apartment to see how much of it is made in USA, you will find barely anything that isn’t a consumable is made in the US, local manufacturing was shut down decades ago as all of that got outsourced to cheaper countries in the bottomless chase for profit by greedy corporations. So why are tariffs an issue, cause there ain’t any local companies making laptops for Americans to buy, and you can’t just stop buying goods that society relies on, so people are forced to pay more to buy the imported goods, so you will be paying more money for these things while it takes decades to ramp up local manufacturing again and train the workers etc. if that were to even happen
What the hell is a “potent” anti aging product, I always assumed these were useless products made to prey on the insecurities of aging women
I wonder what kind of long term damage this will do to the US, why the fuck did shit like this have to happen in my lifetime.
Good, end this AI bullshit, it has little upsides and a metric fuckton of downsides for the common man