Absolutely agreed that market capture is unethical, but that doesn’t have much to do with the legal basis of right to repair cases.
Absolutely agreed that market capture is unethical, but that doesn’t have much to do with the legal basis of right to repair cases.
When written out like this, it seems simple as - but the most simple version really isn’t what’s at stake. Companies make and trademark specialized tools for their goods, to prevent third parties from providing repairs. Warrantys are written to keep a company from being liable for repair/replacement if a customer attempts to repair a product themselves.
Pretty much every case in the right to repair movement is a challenge to a legally acceptable means of market capture, that just happens to create a stupendously shitty consumer environment.
Protocols can be developed and then shared without cost except for the upfront development costs. Hosting a continuous service requires regular income, meaning for profit models will always out-resource non-profit models of hosting. Especially if a platform is looking at hosting more than just text and compressed images. Why do you think Pixelfed’s main host only allows uploads of up to 15MB?
Fediverse is open source and decentralized, so any for-profit model could leverage it without asking for anyone’s permission. There are already for-profit companies that build and maintain apps to access Fediverse platforms. Meta Threads and Tumblr are both integrating into ActivityPub as their own hosts. I imagine in a future where Fediverse grows rampantly, the hosts with the best overall user experience will be for-profit. We live in a world of global capitalism, good things cost money most of the time.
There’s nowhere near a reasonable number of users on Fediverse to sustain a geo-local dating app. Tinder already has to rate-limit matches so people don’t swipe through their entire dating pool in one day. You’d be better off turning to your geo-located communities on Lemmy and encouraging meet-ups or other ways to connect.
I imagine Lemmy skews WAY to the side of PCs/computers. But the average consumer is almost exclusively using their phone for everything except work and taxes. I’m a digital native and I even find browsing Lemmy to be easier via app than browser.
Not to mention all the domain-specific knowledge you’d need to properly evaluate claims. All the critical thinking skills in the world are worthless if you don’t have contextual knowledge of whatever subject is in the news. It’s just not realistic for everyone to be a policy wonk.
There is too much information to process for any one person to just use their critical thinking skills to fact check a news organization as large as CNN, much less every major news organization. No, it’s not enough to teach critical thinking skills and hope every person is able to discern bias in the media they consume, because you’re asking for extremely domain-specific skills and legwork that a single consumer just isn’t capable of. Consumer watchdog organizations are a necessary part of protecting us against unreliable news agencies.
Can you expand that last line? I don’t understand clearly what you mean.
These aren’t global fediverse rules, they’re constraints meant to apply specifically to the new user experience on Lemmy only.
maybe they should need to maintain a certain percentage of high pop instances that federate with them. Basically establishing a standard of trust.
“At least 80% of instances with over 1,000 active users must federate with you to be a Lemmy starter instance.”
This guarantees that new users will see the majority of content, and the starter instances won’t be embroiled in federation wars. The % value and pop numbers can change to reduce it down to a manageable number of starter instances.
Very inside baseball opinion. It’s like me describing reddit as “endless drama” because I read every thread on subreddit drama.
A lot of disingenuous Lemmy users in that thread pretending that picking a server is more confusing than filing your taxes. I think join-lemmy should probably hot-list like 6 or 7 servers instead of making you choose via a primary interest, since you can migrate your account later anyway. But I am personally not tech oriented and managed to make an account and find an app without an issue.
The goal was never to convince people who don’t know how email works to join, it’s to convince an average reddit user to join.
There’s already a better word to describe genetic clusters - ethnicity/ethnic group, which is a real scientific concept defined by shared genealogy. Race has pretty much always been defined by someone’s sociopolitical relationship with the British upper class, and has changed over time to accommodate varying definitions of, ex. “white”.