So far Trump is all talk, of course he hasn’t yet been sworn in, but until the invasions he threatens about become real he is not worse than Putin.
Here’s hoping he’s all bark and no bite.
So far Trump is all talk, of course he hasn’t yet been sworn in, but until the invasions he threatens about become real he is not worse than Putin.
Here’s hoping he’s all bark and no bite.
Yeah it is kind of dumb that you can turn from being non-profit to for-profit if it turns out you’ve struck gold. Cheapens the value of non-profits everywhere if they can turn that around whenever they feel like it.
In Skyrim the main quest constantly tells you about how urgent it is for you to do the next steps. You must heed the summoning of the greybeards, you must hurry along to the dragon graveyard. Time is constantly of the essence.
And then every other part of the game encourages you to goof around.
Oblivion is the same with this. Morrowind went the opposite direction with the story at times pretty much telling you to goof around for a bit before continuing the main quest (probably because people were less used to open world games maybe?).
I think daggerfall had you on actual timers so if you weren’t at the correct locations in time the game would be impossible to complete. Which sure is a way to resolve the false sense of urgency lmao.
Jeg tror det kommer meget an på hvor i landet man arbejder. København er meget international men min egen erfaring er at der er færre internationale kollegaer i andre byer. Jeg har ihvertfald selv været primært på dansksproget arbejdspladser, og jeg er selv softwareudvikler.
Selvfølgelig er det bare personlig erfaring og jeg kan meget vel være en anomalitet.