Citrine red text flashbacks
Citrine red text flashbacks
Oh no, furries, the most apology worthy state of existence- Wait a minute…
This basically, as in my case, my sensory issues make it hard to do many fairly basic things, and causes lots of discomfort that otherwise wouldn’t bother me if not for the sensitivity.
“Fixing” is very different from “reducing the issues for the person with the sensitivity, making life relatively easier to handle”.
Wait, what’s getting jesus’d…?
Oh, I did not think of the implications of making that a verb.
Think of it like this: Arrowhead, the developers, spent almost 8 years developing the game, getting funding throughout from Sony, which managed the publishing side of things so they could focus on game development.
Then, around 6 months before release, over 7 years of development up to that point, Sony wanted PSN to be required for the game, and clearly by release time, that was not enough time to even implement or test that well enough.
Their hands were tied years in advance, they couldn’t just let almost 8 years of their development time go to waste over one decision by their publisher, nor could they reasonably go against the publisher or get a new publisher only about 6 months before release.
On their end, they didn’t do anything particularly wrong, unless they could see the future over 7 years before and realize Sony was going to practically pull the rug out from under them with everything in Sony’s favor, a decision only actually made far more recently.
What’s odd is I instantly recognized how to type on that type of phone, but I’m from roughly gen Z.
It tends to get shortened to “Trans”, though I could see specifying shortly with something like “Transsex” or “Transgen” for more precise abbreviation.
It’s quite nice seeing other Ace people around, AroAce myself.
Also, that does make sense, I’ve just not really seen anyone use that term for it before now that I can recall.
It’s interesting seeing “nonsexual” as opposed to “Asexual” or something like “Asexual Spectrum”, followed by “allosexual”.
No offense intended or anything, just making mention for visibility.
Hi, here’s your pretty much useless furry check.
Double meaning entirely intentional, because funny.
To my knowledge, that is actually a thing. People with Autism, as well as people with ADHD, tend to be a bit better at some things that people without usually struggle with for one reason or another. Basically just down to differences of how their brain works with vs without Autism/ADHD. And due to those differences being all you’ve ever known in your experience, it’s hard to know what might make something easier for you, as it just comes naturally, while other things might be completely unnatural to you compared to someone without. I can’t exactly recall anything specific without doing some searching, but doing so would probably give some answers.
Also, side point but I only thought about it a bit later despite it being your first sentence. Something also common with Autism is that it’s significantly easier to tell when someone else has it when you do as well, and vice versa, where people without Autism might not ever even tell unless they’re maybe more familiar with it.
I’m honestly surprised I’ve not seen anyone make that connection for a joke, thanks dyslexia, it’s pretty funny.
Totally not completely cursed, and those example sentences absolutely didn’t make me regret being literate.
Ah yes, one of the neat advantages of being ace, easily being able to ignore people claiming to know you’ve watched anything sexual. Either because you never have, or because it’d have to be incredibly specific to ever be right, depending on how being Asexual affects you.