Every single large server in this federation has at least one Star Trek community. There is even an entire server dedicated to Star Trek.
Not only that, these communities are some of the most active I’ve ever seen. There is no other franchise I know of that dominates the federation as much as Star Trek does.
So, what’s the correlation with Lemmy and Star Trek? Why not other sci-fi series? Please, are there any connections?? Is this all coincidental?
dominates the federation
Well there you have it.
federates the Dominion
I see what you did there
I think it’s nerds. /s
I think a lot of the lemmy userbase are at least somewhat techy (also see the Linux communities), and a lot of techy people like Star Trek.
Techies are Trekkies!
The top voted posts of the last week are programmer humor jokes that have 400+ upvotes but like 4 comments its weird why don’t yall talk
I never really thought about it before, but it seems obvious now. Trekkies and open source tech folks would have a massive overlap, and Lemmy kind of exists perfectly within that intersection of utilitarian principles. So of course we would all find each other here.
I’m convinced that Trekkies and open source tech are concentric circles.
Well, you see, Lemmy is full of nerds and communists.
“Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to loose but your chains!”
Workers of the worlds you mean?
Nope, Rom in fact used the correct quote without alterations: https://youtu.be/Qag2bOBUVfQ?si=sCKNeq5xkSckQUzI&t=62
that’s why
We may never have a good answer for why the gay nerdy communists love the colorful scifi communist space adventures
If you’re trying to say the way ryker throws his leg over a chair is the cause of me becoming a communist programmer then I have to tell you that you are sorely accurate.
Why is the show about gay space communism popular on the gay space communism network?
C’mon you gotta love the original Star Trek series at the very least. I mean it was a milestone and it’s still my favorite of all the Treks out there.
The fact that it has so many communities (for Trek in general) shows that it really resonates with people across the board. I can’t think of many other shows that have achieved that. Its the mix of science fiction and adventure with very human emotions and problems that make it so appealing, I think.
Most of the internet was started with Star Trek boards. If I recall correctly, one of the first emails ever sent was about Star Trek
Also credited with the first widespread fanfics of a TV show, I believe.
I haven’t thought of this in years but back in the '90s I participated in an email fantasy RPG where we all roleplayed Romulans. One person would write a chapter from their character’s POV and email it to the group, then the next person does one, and so on, so the story unfolded in unexpected ways. It was actually pretty fun.
That sounds like such a an awesome early internet thing.
It was. And then of course this one guy asked me if I wanted to take it private so our characters could have their own little love subplot. And uh… I said yes.
Now THAT also sounds like early internet too…
Including the one that is the reason we call laughably stupid perfect characters Mary Sue.
And first male pregnancy fan fiction, fan fiction rings, shipping wars, and so on. House wives created the world AO3 writers live in today
Wow, didn’t know the roots were that deep…
I’ll give you a hint, the joke I want to make about it is not allowed on my instance.
Others have brought up other reasons, but one I haven’t seen is simply the depth of material to work with. Trek has had multiple multi-season series and tons of movies, which means you can basically find the right image for any meme if you watch enough of it.
You never watch enough of it!
I’m in the middle of my fifth or sixth Voyager rewatch now, and I don’t even like Voyager that much. It’s the perfect sort of thing to watch as I drift off to sleep, and the quality really improves after Year of Hell.
star trek is optimistic about the future and that’s basically nonexistent in post-cold war SF
Star Trek is just bad. Just bad.
People keep recommending it, I kept giving it chances.
During the pandemic, I even went to IMDB, picked the very highest-ranked episodes of all time, and watched them, the supposed best-of-the-best, and they’re just awful.
It was relatively episodic, but still had storylines that spanned episodes/seasons. To me, you could say the same thing about other series
“Lost was just bad… I even went to IMDb, picked the very highest ranked episodes…”(s4e5). (Replace Lost with Breaking Bad, would anyone recommend watching season 5 episode 14?)
I’m not sure many tv shows would live up to that metric, maybe Bluey/paw patrol/other kids shows.
Well I’m not gonna spend that much time on it now am I
No one is asking you to?
are you stuck in the medium place with a singular copy of star trek: v instead of cannonball run 2?
It’s not a binge watch until you die from dehydration kind of franchise. It’s just good vibes short stories. You can pop almost any episode on the screen and bask in the benignness of FALGSC for 30 minutes.
That rules.
That’s okay. It’s good to live in a world where very different people enjoy very different things. I’m glad we can all be part of a social federation and still get along despite our infinite combinations of infinite diversity.
Whats your metric for quality? Hard to agree or disagree with such a poorly defined opinion.
its all awesome in its own context. you just like to compare disparate works of art as if there should be a winner. just enjoy it… or dont.
i can absolutely understand someone who doesnt like star trek also not appreciating fan-based metrics such as ‘best of the best’
no worries, its just not your thing.
It’s popular, very memeable, has a long history, and most importantly: there’s 2-3 series of it running right now. So it’s topical and being engaged with.
it is a giant, hot garbage dump of memeable content. i love it
I think it would be awsome to have Trekkies and Whovians do some crossovers.
it happens regularly o’er at startrek.website
Why not?
everybody calped