Reminds me of that scene from The IT Crowd lol
0 118 999 lives in my head. And the …3
🎶0118 999 88199 911 9725…3🎶
Not to ruin the joke, but I think you actually can text 911.
Also there is 112 for a lot of places that aren’t North America (and many more numbers).
I’m pretty sure in Germany text won’t work. But you could probably send a fax. Response times may vary.
@generic @theKalash You can in the UK, but have to pre-register. It goes through the same relay channel that textphones for the deaf do.
My landline phone used to read out text messages sent to it. This made me certain that sending text messages to emergency numbers would be possible. But apparently not. The solution, for instance for deaf people, is really, no joke, to send a fax. (German)
My landline phone used to read out text messages sent to it.
Holy shit, I remember that. In a terrible robotic voice, but it was understandable.
I was really just trying to make a joke about the bad state of technlology of my home country … but it will probably work.
While I see the use in this, I don’t know that I trust my typing skills in an emergency situation.
“My coworker is going into a diabetic coma” would probably become “I ranch horse is gonna enter diamond comma”. Between my anxiety and autocorrect, I’d be an even worse mess.
Can’t you text 911 tho?
My wife has had employees get fired for calling out through texts instead of literally calling out.
It’s not an automatic thing, but it’s a no call no show.
Reminds me of a silly video I saw around here some time ago:
In the UK you can text 999 (our equivalent of 911), but you need to register first for some reason.
Probably because it’s wayyyy easier to abuse a text message service than a phone service. Think how many services allow you to trigger a text message just by saying you forgot your password. Or simply by logging in on a new device.
Your not autistic, just retarded
What about my “autistic”?