I didn’t find this article to be helpful or well written. I am not surprised they work for kotaku.
They don’t work for Kotaku anymore, Aftermath is a worker-owned website.
Look, I’m sorry you’re cat died dude, but just because some bad shit happened to you during E3 doesn’t mean that the escapism in video games can’t provide a healthy relief for other people. It’s also no different from books or TV in this aspect.
Honestly an incredibly narcissistic article
This article is about the author’s personal relationship to E3 and how it reminds him about unhealthy work habits he has, which he also thinks are commonly occuring in games journalism.
I think it’s very fair not to like the article, I wasn’t overly interested in it myself, but honestly I can’t help but disagreeing with the negativity directed towards the author in many of these comments. Go ahead and dislike the point of the article, but making a uncharitable reading about the author just seems silly to me.