When there’s a new RPG on the block claiming to do #Solarpunk, I’m obviously interested. Recently, @FullyAutomatedRPG made its way to me via @fiction so I’m giving it a look. What does it want to do? It wants to be a kind of D&D for Solarpunk – a big kitchen sink game that becomes a cornerstone for the genre. That’s… Hm, I like my RPGs written with a lightning focus on telling specific stories, so I feel like I’ll be biased against #FullyAutomated, but let’s see. 1/8
@Anaphory @FullyAutomatedRPG Folks, can you be persuaded NOT to slice long texts so thinly? I can understand if the post is highly structured, so you encourage threaded discussion, assigned to specific sections - I am using this method myself.
But for the longer-winded texts my eyes and mind hurt, seeing your thoughts lethally chopped.
Granted, everything can be written and read in any form (I wrote a porn poem once, in a form of sms log) but not everything is palpable.@8petros @Anaphory @fiction @FullyAutomatedRPG I think you forget that a lot of Mastodon instances have a hard cap on character number and we would need to self-host or convince our admins to change the character limit for us ;)
@alxd @Anaphory @FullyAutomatedRPG I believe that changing your admin mind is a piece-a-cake, compared to changing the world, as SolarPunk strives to. ;-)
If nothing helps, I offer interested parties free accounts at Petroskowo, much more suitable for serious deliberations.
@8petros @alxd @Anaphory @fiction Even if it’s not your cup of tea, I really appreciate the examination & discourse!
First: I think it’s key to recognize that this is an OSR game. There are lots of great world building games and solo cozy games, etc, but this is meant to give a certain traditional experience. Mechanics are included where necessary - namely combat and progression - but it assumes the players are a group of friends looking to roleplay, get up to shenanigans, and make memories.
@8petros @alxd @Anaphory @fiction
2nd, I think checking the solarpunk bonafides is a less productive analysis than asking what use it might serve.
I think the reimagining of real places like my beloved Los Angeles is a worthwhile contribution to the genre. I think the character creator adds unique guidance for creating PCs that break a lot of RPG molds. And I think the playable adventures offer more substance and style than you might expect.
@8petros @alxd @Anaphory @fiction
Again, I think criticism is productive. If readers find omissions, I still consider that a way to contribute to their creative process. I hope that just as I can appreciate that this doesn’t suit your tastes, you might find this worth recommending to ppl whose tastes you don’t share. For folks looking for an OSR game that presents a positive version of anarchy, I think they’ll find the themes of infrastructure, community, etc more present than you’d imagine.
@FullyAutomatedRPG @8petros @Anaphory @fiction thank you!
Speaking about a positive version of anarchy, have you read / player Dream Apart / Dream Askew?
I think especially Dream Askew, which brought us the original Belonging Beyond Belonging, is a really interesting inspiration / direction for such themes.
While it might not be a game for me, I loved the queer community roles for all the characters - and how their story beats function within the narrative.
Since “threads” from Mastodon don’t show up on Lemmy: https://wandering.shop/@Anaphory/111906482871541594
@poVoq Thank you! I haven’t figured out that part of the fedi nature yet.