There’s less Reddit meta content on Reddit, why did I come here?
You came here because we need more soldiers
I’m doing my part 😂
You’re not alone in giving a grand total of zero shits about reddit at this point.
What app is that?
The wall of fucking spez is finmy, but I find it FAR funnier to see how something that was one of reddit’s most popular things ever just a few months ago is NOTICABLY less popular. All of the biggest communities that were represented on the drawing earlier this year are nowhere to be seen. All that’s left this time around is just random disconnected drawings and massive flags. The soul is gone.
So yeah, stop fucking spamming the canvas and just let it be empty and soulless. It sends a bigger message.
There was a lot of talk about the admins erasing stuff. My guess is they’ll ensure it doesn’t look too empty.
I’m ignoring it, though. I don’t want to give them traffic on a platform they can control. The real question is why can’t we set up something similar here?
This isn’t even originally from Reddit… It used to be called “drawball”.
They were stupid to bring it back anyways, it only succeeded the second time because enough time had passed for the people that remembered it and there were plenty of new people to participate. This time neither is true
It seems like they brought it back to drive up traffic. They know people will put those things on it, but they can edit all they want and going over there to “protest participate” still drive traffic to their site. In 6 months when they tell investors how successful the last place event wad, no one is going to want to see the final picture, they’re just going to look at the numbers.
Place was stupid when we were on reddit, its sure as he’ll not worth going back for
It’s one misguided poster spamming the shit out of a bunch of instances, but this post itself seems to imply a more widespread problem.
What are you trying to achieve with this post? Would you like to spark conversation about this particular person’s crusade ? Or are you the umpteenth poster this month complaining about content referencing Reddit?
Honestly, the bitching about the bitching about Reddit is becoming pretty fucking tiresome, imho. Why are we talking about this? Why did you make this post? Why not just downvote that asshat’s content and move on? It doesn’t contribute, you allegedly don’t care, why post to complain about complaints?
I get it - complaints about complaints, the ‘Inception’ of discourse, right? 😄 My aim was less ‘moan-fest’, more ‘awareness-raising’. But I see how it could have come off as one more tiresome rant. Point taken.
Downvoting? Sure, it’s a tool, but it feels like trying to empty an ocean with a bucket. As a community, can’t we aim higher? Maybe introduce more efficient levers? Let’s not just ‘downvote and move on’, let’s ‘upvote and move up’. Let’s brainstorm and pull this platform to greater heights.