- The war in Ukraine consumes vast quantities of arms and ammunition, supplied almost entirely by the US and the EU.
- Battlefield demands in Ukraine far outstrip the combined production of the entire Western bloc.
- Arsenals across the EU are empty, and the United States is far more reluctant today to supply the Ukraine war effort.
- But Europe faces severe problems in their efforts to rearm, and to make good their public support and promises to Ukraine.
- Despite having a far smaller economy than either the US or the EU, Russia easily produces more ammunition and war materiel than the NATO countries, combined.
- Meanwhile, Russia’s close ally China has the world’s most productive industrial sector, and monopolies on the supply chains necessary to build armaments.
- Last year, China cut off exports of antimony, a critical component of explosives, and antimony prices have more than quadrupled in less than a year.
But he only talks in real values, why is ppp relevant? Note I dont necessarily share his point, I’m just not sure what you mean.
Right, I should make myself clearer. I’m no expert in economics, I just try to build a reasoning based on what I know.
The context of his statement is that Russia is outproducing the West in ammunition, specifically artillery shells. Earlier he states Russia is producing 4 millions shell a year compared to .5 for the US. So without qualification, the statement implies Russians are somehow 80x superior as they produce 8 times more with an economy a tenth the size.
I feel he should have qualified his statement to improve reader understanding:
Because he didn’t provide this context to the number he is giving, I thought that either he wanted to misled or he was not sufficiently informed, and assumed the more charitable option.