Tell me about it. My landlord just canceled their website and launched an app instead. Of course the app is completely useless and 90% of the code is probably trackers.
In contrast, some invidivual landlords still collect cash. (for tax evasion purposes 👀)
I think “landlords are trash” is a fitting description regardless of nation.
Like I say over in the comments on that post I had to literally switch bank accounts because of (ineptitude|poor pay) the customer service agents not being able to reset my password outside of using their “app” on an Android phone.
Curious if others have had similar issues.
I feel you , I recently order something from Amazon to their locker service and now they required the fucking app to open it. Its more inconvenient and annoying.
I’m sick of it even with a smartphone.
Why do I need to sign up on an app to get discounts for fast food? What happened to sending out flyers?
No, they want your data to sell it and spam you with dumb notifications. “It’s Taco o’clock! Come get a Gordita for $7 at Taco Bell!” Stfu
I had to download an app to buy a gas canister refill, and after I bought it, a banking app I used a long time ago sent a notification with a discount coupon if you payed through it. I uninstalled both apps right after that.