Referendums, not too dissimilar from those held in Donetsk and Luhansk, have shown overwhelming support. Millions of people are saying yes to re-incorporating this territory.
Unless we have suddenly decided that the Venezuelan voting process is in fact fraudulent, this is something that needs to be properly grappled with and not simply an issue delegated to the maniacal whims of an all-powerful despot. Remain cognizant of this. Venezuela has democratic processes for these kinds of decisions.
Yes, a having referendum into launching an invasion of a sovereign nation makes it perfectly alright! My mistake.
How does the democratic process come into play into this situation? This policy doesn’t just affect Venezuelans, it affects the citizens of an entirely different nation. Through war…. for resources
AFAIK the referendums were held in Venezuela. If there was one from the region in question showing that the people living there yearn for liberation, that would be different.
It is not “Maduro going in”.
Referendums, not too dissimilar from those held in Donetsk and Luhansk, have shown overwhelming support. Millions of people are saying yes to re-incorporating this territory.
Unless we have suddenly decided that the Venezuelan voting process is in fact fraudulent, this is something that needs to be properly grappled with and not simply an issue delegated to the maniacal whims of an all-powerful despot. Remain cognizant of this. Venezuela has democratic processes for these kinds of decisions.
Yes, a having referendum into launching an invasion of a sovereign nation makes it perfectly alright! My mistake.
How does the democratic process come into play into this situation? This policy doesn’t just affect Venezuelans, it affects the citizens of an entirely different nation. Through war…. for resources
AFAIK the referendums were held in Venezuela. If there was one from the region in question showing that the people living there yearn for liberation, that would be different.
There are very few people in the region, and every time the issue was raised in the past 60 years, they have wanted to remain with Guyana.
This is solely motivated by resource extraction.