The Dutch and British just took home the natives of their colonies as immigrants who opened restaurants. Why try to emulate when you can get the real deal?
This is quite the circlejerk.
They really did did Kill millions of people to get spices and then decide they didn’t like any of them.
Fucks me up as a German, too. Globalization gave us all kinds of tasty spices, but go to any public event and you’d be convinced our greatest culinary achievement is sausage with tomato ketchup and curry powder.
Curry, you said it yourself, a very exotic spice mix!
Was möchten Sie denn sonst noch Sie Schnösel?
Also wenn du mich so fragst, hätte ich gerne so Döner-style Fladenbrot mit Kümmel, Schwarzkümmel und Senfkörnern im Teig. Das dann von innen bestrichen mit etwas Erdnussmus. Dann das übliche Döner-Grünzeug rein, aber kurz scharf in einem Wok angebraten und in Soja-Sauce getaucht. Darüber frisch gemalener bunter Pfeffer und ein guter Esslöffel kaltgepresstes Rapsöl. Und dann Champignons geschnetzelt + ordentlich angebraten und mit Gyros-Gewürzen mariniert noch darin einbetten.
Ich denke, das sollte man gut in so einem Imbisswagen zubereiten können. 🙃
Also habe jetzt natürlich übertrieben. Keine Ahnung, ob das noch gut ist. Aber habe tatsächlich schonmal so Champignon-Geschnetzeltes in einem Fladenbrot gemacht und das war extrem geil. Seither hätte ich tatsächlich gerne mal einen vollwertigen Döner damit…
Also da greife ich lieber zur Currywurst
British invention anyway. Curry powder from the British occupying forces in Berlin.
Gern gesehen.
But “Currywurst” (curry sausage) was invented in Berlin. Indian wouldn’t use curry powder without vegetables in this way, or currypower at all (correct me if I’m wrong)
Legitimately, though: I listened to my sister tell her 4-year about “yummy spices” at Thanksgiving. The example she used was “like salt!” I was horrified.
She also made & brought the absolute worst green bean casserole I have ever tasted in my life. It was like wet, crunchy green beans covered in French-fried onions (which came from a can, which is why it’s pretty much the only thing she got right).
She used “no added salt/sodium” cream-of-mushroom soup, the green beans, and the canned fried onions, and added nothing else.
I love green bean casserole, as it’s one of my favorite Thanksgiving foods. Even offered to make it for everyone this year! But she insisted that she wanted to do it.
The only thing that was salty this Thanksgiving was me.
My Jamaican friend once said: “How many times do I have to tell you people flour is not a spice”.
The English have tikka masala, the Dutch have satay chicken.
Theres a lot of great dutch food! I will defend pannenkoek, stampot, oliebollen, Gouda, spekkoek, krokets, poffertjes, stroopwafel… hell, I love pickled herring.
Dutch food is very underrated!
Ulysses seethes, tikka masala stays winning
I didn’t even deny anything specific about the colonially seized food; I was reflecting some very loud seething that got brought up during older dunks on jellied eels or beans on toast.
Dutch and British food isn’t bad, unless your a yank that only eats things pumped full of sugar.
dutch and british food is dogshit lol. how many italian restaurants are there in the UK vs. how many british restaurants are there in italy?
Death to America
You mean you don’t want your pickled eggs served by blackface Santa? smdutchh
don’t make me bring up the mountain of grease-soaked fried foods that brits find acceptable as a meal. even as an american, i haven’t seen so much fried food in one place. and i’ve been to the southern united states many times.
Fat is where the flavour is.
I also made Puri today, and it turns out deep frying bread makes it taste better.
Google “Stargazy pie”
Google “Jellied eels”
Google “mushy peas over chips”
This reminds me of an old post I remember seeing where it depicted the contrast between anime food and English film food with some eggs. The anime ones were drawn with utmost care to look downright heavenly, while the English film eggs were very scraggly.
Sure, it was for spices, definitely not for money.
It was a different time. We don’t do that anymore!
What do you think tea is made of?
And let’s be real, the Brits gave up their own food in favor of Indian food. They love that Tikka masala.
If we’re to insist on it being a specific country’s food, it really should be Indian no? It was invented by Indian diaspora in the UK as (IIRC) a take on traditional Indian food using ingredients that are easier to obtain in the UK.
IMO saying tikka masala is British food is like saying General Tso’s Chicken, which was invented by Chinese diaspora in the US for similar reasons, is somehow American food. I don’t think the country it was invented in can really claim credit in either case.
Tikka Masala is an Indian-Inspired dish which was invented in the UK by people with Indian cultural heritage. That’s about as concise a description as you can get without running into difficulties of definition - there’s no consistent way of defining what “being a dish” means without running into contradictions.
In fact General Tso’s is the perfect counter-example: Multiple Chinese people have told me they enthusiastically disown General Tso’s Chicken and explicitly call it American food. So if we say “a dish belongs to a country if it’s invented there”, then Tikka Masala is British (which I agree “feels” wrong); but if we say “a dish belongs to a country if it was inspired by the cuisine of that country”, then General Tso’s is Chinese, which, apparently not!
And that’s without even considering the question of how far “back” you should go with inspiration - what if a dish was inspired by how the Indians used food they got from the Persians who traded it with the Chinese - is it Indian food or Chinese food? (Idk if that’s historically nonsense, but you get my point) Why is the most-recent ancestor more important than the environment of creation?
TBF to the Dutch, the regular food they serve you at a restaurant nowadays beats the USA by a mile.
That’s a low bar.