Probably because nationally the Democrats have been beating polls by 9+ points since Roe V. Wade was overturned.
Nationally doesn’t mean shit if they can’t get 270 electoral votes.
Well, he’s won more elections than I have, but IDK
Hey, don’t cut yourself short.
Biden’s first presidential primary was 1988, it took 32 years before he was able to win one.
Just never give up and have faith society will keep getting shittier till your flaws are no longer deal breakers
The one he had to back out of because of plagiarism and lies.
They downvote you because of truth? Five minute google for anyone in doubt here are some takes:
Like I feel like I am taking crazy pills when I see such downvote ratio on something so verifiably factual and honest.
ETA I’m being downvoted now and getting complaints about sources despite there being 4 articles and advising a simple google, like just jump to snopes if you refuse to read and just go see the checkmark
trump has plagiarized a speech, though technically it was a family member of his, and it was also obamas speech.
I think basically every prominent politician has plagiarized shit at one point.
The amount of effort they put into shielding Biden from criticism puts them on par with the MAGA crowd.
In some posts I’ve quoted Biden, but attributed trump and nothing but up votes. I quote Biden and attribute Biden and nothing but down votes
They were very vocal when Melania plagiarized Michelle Obama, but crickets and down votes when it’s pointed out Biden plagiarized JFK
If we can just get through this election then we can start worrying about the next election.
Does anybody know which election wasn’t “the most important election in history”?
Obama 2012. Sure Romney would’ve sucked ass but he probably would’ve just fumbled the whole thing comically instead of actively undoing democracy.
Nah, that one also was the most important one:
Most every campaign cycle, it seems, presidential candidates and political pundits claim this election is the most important one ever. It’s become something of a cliché in American politics. This time, however, they just might be correct. Rarely before in modern times has the divide between the two parties been as stark.
Good thing Hillary beat Trump in 2016 or Democracy would have already ended.
Did Netanyahu tell him the more weapons he sends the more votes he gets?
Hillary was super confident…
It’s why she lost the 2016 election, she had all the confidence in the world, but that alone doesn’t make someone a good candidate
Someone that acts confident when they shouldn’t, is colloquially known as a “conman”. Because what they’re selling isn’t worth buying, you’re just buying it off their confidence in themselves, which is very rarely based on reality.
Someone that acts confident when they shouldn’t, is colloquially known as a “conman”.
No, that’s incorrect.
A “con man” aka Confidence Trickster is a grifter who gains your confidence in order to scam you.
Having false confidence in itself does not mean someone is necessarily a swindler. It could just be that they are delusional or misinformed.
They’re not selling a legitimate product service, the only thing rubes are being sold on, is the confidence of the salesperson.
Biden can be as confident as he wants to be, and some voters may assume that confidence means he’s competent.
But Hillary was extremely confident she’d win 2016. She shouldn’t have been.
And that over confidence directly led to her not trying as hard as she could, and voters falsely believing she had it wrapped up and they didn’t need to “hold their nose”.
Biden and voters need to be realistic about his chances to beat trump, or it will lower his chances to beat trump.