Try as you might, you’re not going to get away with using religion as a shield for horrific crimes against humanity.
That’s pretty stupid of you to say that since religious people have been getting away with it for the last two thousand years, and likely long before that.
Lol care to point out where I implied anything of the sort? I simply pointed out how you claim religion is being used to commit atrocities here, while everyone else is blaming the government.
That’s pretty stupid of you to say that since religious people have been getting away with it for the last two thousand years, and likely long before that.
So you admit that you’re being antisemitic here?
No, i think they’re just arguing that Israel should get away with whatever they want because religious people have done terrible things in the past.
No I want Israel to destroy Hamas; you have implied Jews are using false-flag guerilla tactics against their own allies like they are somehow dumb.
Lol care to point out where I implied anything of the sort? I simply pointed out how you claim religion is being used to commit atrocities here, while everyone else is blaming the government.