Nothing escapes, not even light… awesome song, everything Arjen touches is gold.
Been meaning to get into these guys. Album artwork is sick, awesome growls, and cool mastodon vibes in the music too. Will definitely listen to some more!
Can’t mentally decline if you were never sound of mind in the first place!
The Mountain is probably their best and it’s also pretty accessible.
Dutton’s so much of a spud I’m almost glad he’s in charge of the LNP instead of someone more charismatic. Hopefully he never sees any real power. Can’t believe that this is even a political issue up for debate, just delay delay delay and never so anything.
Shame, i thought Furiosa was awesome, although there were only about 5 people in the cinema. The critics seem to be giving pretty favourable reviews too, would definitely recommend going and checking it out. Hope this isnt the nail in the coffin of Mad Max.
Sorceress feels a bit underrated. It feels like a creepy record from the 70s that you play at 4pm on a summer afternoon.
Nah I’m guessing because it’s a popular opinion
If you have 15 minutes, Graves from their album In Contact is probably my favourite song ever!
Only just getting into this album after hearing constant praise, wish I’d dived in sooner it’s so great!
No mention of the rate? Or the rate in non-police officers? I’m seeing an increasing amount of articles quote raw numbers rather than anything statistically meaningful, I agree with the sentiment of the article but it’s veering towards rage-bait territory.
I frothed over this song so much in high school. Changed the way I approached playing the drums, especially when Portnoy (usually over-the-top as we all know - in a good way!) comes in with a more simple, heavy beat during one of the breakdowns. Gotta be up there with DT’s best songs.
Nobody is saying that fish are moral agents that can empathise with other beings. That doesn’t man that they’re not moral subjects; the ability to understand that one is causing harm is not a prerequisite for the ability to suffer oneself. I think everyone knows this intuitively, but it does feel good to have our less moral habits be justified by memes that we would otherwise find to be illogical.
I just have it synced up to spotify. I love crunching numbers so I don’t mind deleting the odd extra scrobble or reconnecting spotify when it disconnects (happens annoyingly often) so I can have as accurate stats as possible. It’s also really great for nostalgia. I’ve had it for six years now and it’s great to go back and see what the top albums were I was vibing to several summers ago and stuff like that.
I find is second-to-none for finding personal recommendations. Beyond that, I like to keep up to date with all the top prog albums on RateYourMusic, SputnikMusic, Metalstorm, and Progarchives - I won’t love everything but it’s a good way to find newly released gems.
Hearing this for the first time was insane. Definitely curious to see where they go from here.