And you are welcome to come over anytime. That is why we love lemmy, no? At least that is why the admin of .ml created lemmy.
But, yeah, people here don’t really like genocide enablers, even if they are democrats.
And you are welcome to come over anytime. That is why we love lemmy, no? At least that is why the admin of .ml created lemmy.
But, yeah, people here don’t really like genocide enablers, even if they are democrats.
Yeah, but you still have to differentiate between teenagers trying out their borders and pathological cleptomania.
Id say easily half of my high-school class had a shoplifting phase.
Yeah, but I’d aggree with MissJinx. Lots of teenagers occasionally shoplift. But stealing a significant amount of money from your brother is imo defintly a big red flag.
Still, going open with it is a really great step imo. But I’d also say, that if you ever again feel that urge, professional help would be a good idea.
I got this a few minutes ago. And this probably shows how much chatgpt is fucked up by the bias in western media.
Edit: a friend of mine did the same query on the app (I used the website) and got different results. So different versions produce different results. They probably manually corrected this in newer versions (is my guess). The older results still show the massive bias.
I mean, I don’t like Abunimah and clashed with him on twitter before (I think it was on Syria). But calling him an “islamist” is just pure bigotry. Bullshit vilifying over-generalisation is why islamophobe fascists are on the rise in Europe. The term “islamist” has become utterly meaningless. “Oh, he is brown and I don’t like him? He is an ISLAMIST!”
Lol, I have to check out if I can block you. I despice right wing trolls. But this is the headline of the article you cited and on which I commented:
“Erneut hätte ein Islamist in Zürich auftreten sollen, nun ist der Mann verhaftet worden. Regierungsrat Mario Fehr spricht von einem «Judenhasser»”
Und “Islamist” heißt auf english halt “islamist”. Versuch nicht meinen Kommentar zu verdrehen. Unglaublich, AFD-Taktiken…
My whole comment was about the use of the word islamist and you act like I defended him. I call this “ill faith”.
Then why does you answer to my comment have nothing to do with the point of my comment.
Maybe it have to spell it out: My point was that western media use the word “islamist” utterly arbitrary to attack brown people of any ideology, thus rendering the term useless. And that is discustingly racist. This is especially true for far right media like the NZZ that you cited.
Your point was that you apparently presume that I defend him, which I didn’t. He blocked me ten years ago in Twitter after a heated discussion. I don’t like him.
I now presume that your are discussing with bad intentions.
And how does this make him an islamist?
You’ve just involuntarily proven my point that the word “islamist” is just utterly arbitrary and mostly just used to hide racism at this point.
“I admire Mr. Musk"
The words “islamist” or “islamism” are so utterly meaningless nowadays. Basically means “brown person whose opinion we don’t like”.
I mean, there are things to critizise about him. But anyone who calls him an islamist juts shows his bigotry or utter stupidity.
(US citizens also don’t need a visa to enter Switzerland, but that is a technicality.)
It was not about ending it, but about financing and actively enabling it…
Israel would have run out of bombs 20000+ dead children ago if Biden would have wanted to let those children live.
Biden deserves to spend the rest of his days in prison. Trump does as well.
Used to do that when I was working in science. I also kinda loved it. Just interesting to intimately experience how people thought back in the 80s. There are surprisingly many Fortran 77 libraries still in use today (they can be called from modern Fortran code).
Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden. Not just Biden.
There is a little speculation in his text, but most seem to be public news.
There are NATO members who mostly joined so that the US wouldn’t attack them.
I am uncertain what I want. I kinda like what lemmy is now. I don’t really want it to become mainstream. On the other hand I want the corporations to fail and lemmy is the best chance we have.
They did that to halve of this world, just not to that many western countries.
The thing is, this is imo the most problematic problem of democracy. It is also not an age thing.
Political leaders normally don’t stay long in any specific office. E.g. most finance ministers are just finance ministers for a few years. If they survive one term that is long. During the term they are oftentimes planning their follow up career in the private sector. This can takes up more of their efforts than national politics.
It is even worse in local politics. Many mayors of large cities are already planning their career in national politics. They don’t care about what happens to the city once they switched over.
So, I wouldn’t limit myself to “old politicians”, because they might die before seeing the consequences of their fuck ups. Young politicians also almost never see consequences for their fuck ups, because they will have moved on before it gets problematic. The politicians know that!
This is a much larger problem than your question let it seem to be, it is imo the biggest problem democracy in itself inherently has.
Rule limits actually make this worse, because it leads to short term thinking. But not having a rule limit is also not an option as it opens up roads to autocratic behaviour.
I work in local infrasrtructure management now and worked in science before. I despice politicians, be they young or old. We administrators are constantly fighting them to keep our city/country livable (and we lose more than we win).
Ah okay, I thought this Caretaker government turned into a somehat working stopgap. Okay, so, everyone, ignore my comment on Belgium. :)
I am not from the US, but I thought the US greens were somewhat okay? (Unlike the german greens.)