Literally the only defining characteristic is how much energy you have after socializing. The rest of this is total bs. I love being social if I’m in the mood, but I’m still an introvert because it wears me out.
Literally the only defining characteristic is how much energy you have after socializing. The rest of this is total bs. I love being social if I’m in the mood, but I’m still an introvert because it wears me out.
My friend’s husband cheated on her right before she got pregnant, so now he has 2 kids about a month apart. At one point, he was living in another state, they were still legally married, and she was seriously dating someone that she was considering marrying while raising both kids because neither of the bio parents were capable. Probably that?
No, they used to be more or less good - they all had slightly different vibes instead of being the exact same thing with different fonts. Okcupid used to publish a lot of fun data and was kind of a middle ground, Match was known for being for more “serious” daters, and plenty of fish tended to be a little trashier - not that there wasn’t plenty of overlap, that was just kind of the reputations they had. You could pay for things but you could also do just fine with free accounts, and the ads focused on how many people had had success with them.
Now they’re all owned by the same company and it shows, and they’ve decided dumbing the experience down to the most superficial stuff and letting bots and people advertising OF or their MLMs take over is fine. I don’t think any of them are worth the time they take to download at this point.
Oh man, that’s the dream. I buy it from a local guy who started making his mom’s recipe for friends during the pandemic and now sells at farmers markets and stuff, and I go through about a gallon every month or two. I need him to start selling me buckets of it.
I always liked sauerkraut but I was weirdly against the idea of kimchi as a kid. I think the first time I heard of it, it was described by someone who didn’t like it because it sounded super gross, and I had zero spice tolerance. These days, I put it on practically everything or eat it by itself as a side.
I mean, people care that the user experience goes downhill after he takes over. The only people claiming Twitter isn’t hot garbage are the ones who actively like him.
It’s less about people’s personal feelings about him and more that he turns everything he touches into a pile of shit that only a fanboy could love.
Well, that’s one way to get people to stop using it, I guess.
I feel like the next headline is going to be, “AI-Assisted Rifle Robot Shoots Hobbyist by Mistake.”
Cool cool cool. Target (at least in CO) sells Taylor Farms salad kits and I was annoyed that they discontinued the one I liked. Guess it was a blessing in disguise.
My job actually offers paid leave for a certain amount of health stuff outside of our normal leave, but there genuinely aren’t any places anywhere near me that don’t kind of suck, except for private facilities that I definitely can’t afford. Not being able to afford time off is also because there are only 2 of us that do my job and my coworker is having serious health issues. Like lots of hospitalization, months off serious. I’m basically fine, I just haven’t been happy in a really long time, so the idea of intensive treatment sounds kind of nice.
You’ll google “inpatient mental health treatment near me,” realize none of the options your insurance covers are all that good and you can’t really afford to take that much time off work anyway, and close the window. (Assuming you’re American, and probably need to get your meds adjusted.)
Well, it’s definitely wrong about lemons. How dare he. Also, how is he eating grapefruit that it’s considered that difficult?
Is there like, prep time? Or do you just have to decide and make it happen on the spot?
Well yeah, when the Gisele Pelicot case started, everyone should’ve expected this. Her piece of shit husband was on forums like that and had no problem finding dozens of men to rape his wife while she was drugged. I’m furious but I’m also so tired. At least I wouldn’t have to worry that I’d trusted the bear and built a life with the bear and the bear was secretly raping me and sharing it on the goddamn internet.
Or we could put him into a cybertruck and launch them both into space. Seems a lot more efficient.
I used to write intros like that as placeholders because I always wrote the real intro once I was sure where I was going with a paper. I learned to make placeholder text red and all caps after almost making that mistake.
I used it once to write a proclamation for work and what it spit out was mediocre. I ended up having to rewrite most of it. Now that I’m aware of how many resources AI uses, I refuse to use it, period. What it produces is in no way a good trade for what it costs.
That’s the best part - they’re all bad! I’m lucky I usually stick to government and most use governmentjobs.com, which isn’t perfect but it’s miles better. But when I’ve been looking for a second job or trying to see what’s available in the private sector, I have yet to find a site that isn’t trash.
I struggle with being social because I’m usually so worn out by work, but my friends are honestly the best - they know I have a couple of hours in me, and they don’t mind at all if I kind of wander off to read or lay down for 20 minutes to recharge. Sometimes they want to do the same thing, sometimes they keep doing whatever we’re doing until I get back.