It does. If the masses decide something you said, did, made, etc is different than what you intended there isnt much you can do about it.
id start a nuclear war for a dorito
It does. If the masses decide something you said, did, made, etc is different than what you intended there isnt much you can do about it.
It does support english ya and even works outside China for navigation. It doesnt have all the same locations like resturants and stuff sometimes tho
Yeah thats why i mentioned them saying it was proof of christianity specifically. A lot of christians refuse to aknowledge other religions being equally valid (or more so tbh for the older ones.)
Someone told me one time they believe in specifically the christian god because the world is so perfect, and i was like what fucking world are you living in and how do i get there?
UTC+08 Id be having a great time with all of China to explore.
Amap - Chinese maps app - extremely common China W
I never used most of them. I quit reddit when genzedong went dark. Quit tiktok when the ads got more common a year ago or so. I still use a FOSS frontend to watch youtube videos does that count?
What i did for work stuff that needs windows is i got an old Thinkpad T440S and put windows on that and just use it for work. Things worth like 50$ lol.
My 73 year old grandmother also uses it and says its “minty fast” lol not sure what that means. She latched onto the name when she heard it.
If you have newer hardware mint isnt what you wanna use. It is more stability focused. There are other distros that arr more geared towards faster updates and supporting new stuff faster.
i avoid using flatpaks if i can. recently had to migrate mine from the root partition to home partition cuz they had filled my root partition space.
I meant the gnome extension not firefox
Do you use hide the top bar extension?
I do think touch screens kinda suck for controls but some game types would work well. Like turn based RPGs i used to play on PS2 would totally be doable on a phone.
i just use web. phtn.app in the browser has a dark mode.
The researchers also found that “users with access to GenAI tools produce a less diverse set of outcomes for the same task, compared to those without.
This is their observation.
This tendency for convergence reflects a lack of personal, contextualised, critical and reflective judgement of AI output and thus can be interpreted as a deterioration of critical thinking.”
This is just speculation. They have no actual evidence this is the case.
This study is useless. Its a self reported study that began after AI rollout. It has no information on how these people functioned prior to AI being available. The correlation between people less confident in their critical thinking skills and AI use could very well be a result of people that were already less confident before AI utilizing AI more because of that lack of confidence in their own ability. Not a surprise that microsoft ran the study if its this pointless.
To do it properly youd need to start testing people before they increased AI usage and see if a drop in ability occurs after, and youd need to test them not just have the data be self reported.
I have had the mullvad repo for months with no issues. Debian is actually one of their supported distros. If you tried to add their repo on mint for example it would work youd have to install it via a deb package.
Is this like the cyberpunk 2077 timeline or something? Theyre gonna privitize the military?