I’m gonna add some context to this that seems to be missing …
“I think that in Trump’s mind, he sees trade as a zero-sum game,” Moshe Lander, an economics professor at Concordia University, told CBC News. “He’s just hearing the word deficit. And that’s the end of his math calculation.”
He couldn’t calculate anything even if he tried.
I honestly thought it would be the '90’s Ford Explorer/Firestone tires issue that would be the worst, but it seems the 2002-06 Explorer massive repairs at low mileage beats it.
Yes, but they’re in the same battle we’re in, so there likely won’t be much support beyond a “Hey, how ya doing?” kind of thing.
Gotta blame somebody for their stupidity and duplicity.
In this instance “do the crime, do the time” is appropriate.
If this were any other time, and any other country, the sort of talk we’ve been hearing from Trump would have drawn howls of allied and international outrage.
Yet, there has been no direct public condemnation by allied leaders and it seems — in the face of Trump — we find ourselves alone.
Seems like we could be on our own battling the orange butt plug.
As always, ACA(Ignorant)B.
If you don’t discover and treat the foundational reason for the addiction, nothing good will come out of treatment.
Forcing someone into treatment will have the same outcome.
Assholes who have a vested interest in forcing these policies on addicts should be jailed.
crunch crunch
I dunno. Imo Florida man and gators kill way more people than humpback whales do. I mean the whale just spits you out alive, albeit with big brown stains on your pants.
“make Canadians the freest people on Earth.”
PP/Millhouse even talks like the orange butt plug.
I can’t wait for our next election, if only to see the Conservatives get wiped off the map.
The Belt and Road spiderweb.
When demonstrating against a larger power, one can only use the tools at one’s disposal.
Or would you rather they stay and change the system from within, ie: evolution over disruption … which would take time, patience, ability and maneuvering to keep their jobs in the first place.
Or fElongate to be more precise.
I didn’t have Ford Pinto vs Cybertruck on my Battle of Vehicles bingo card.
When the Canadian Surface Combatant team was unveiled in November 2017, Lockheed Martin Canada, a subsidiary of the U.S. defence giant, highlighted that its proposal included the CMS-330. The firm pointed out that the maximum focus was to get Canadian content on the new warships.
But, once Lockheed Martin won the contract, it dumped the CMS 330 and substituted Aegis.
Fuck Lockheed Martin and fuck Trudeau for not IMMEDIATELY jumping down their throats when they subbed the command management system.
Since Trudeau’s absolute trash approval ratings and subsequent (forced?) resignation from party leadership is still fresh in Liberal minds, I suspect that IF they form a coalition, and IF they win the next election, they will be far less likely to brush off a grass-roots push for electoral reform.
Men need to stop blaming women.
The only reason Russia says the G7 isn’t relevant is because they got kicked out.
I would have thought that would be obvious.