The ad campaigns didn’t work, going after colleges didn’t work, social media is constantly buzzing with new pictures and videos from palestine even though they tried to clamp down on TikTok and even some Reddit boards are starting to turn around on this whole thing.
This is the “Break Glass In Case of Emergency” option. They had the House vote on condemning anti-semitism and now they want to fuse anti-semitism, hatred of jewish people, with anti-zionism, which is criticism of the Is*aeli government. Next step is to pass laws that allow you to legally silence and deplatform anyone not towing the line.
Can’t wait for them to try and make it illegal to call someone a fascist.
Funny how they have all this energy for anti-zionism but any time someone floats an anti-fascist/anti-nazi resolution through the UN, it’s crickets out of the Amerikans. Motherfuck Amerika, motherfuck Israel, motherfuck anyone who demands my physical support of either monstrous entity
anti-zionism :: anti-fascist/anti-nazi
I’m sure Biden thinks signing this will improve his poll numbers too.
It’s a nonbinding resolution, those don’t go to the president’s desk.
Post says federal crime, hence the confusion.
I’m convinced that Biden is the only candidate they trust to let the zionist have their way. Even if Trump and Desantis say they’ll continue support, they don’t seem to trust any Republican runner in that camp.
usians are the most propagandized people on earth
Pepperidge farm remembers all the times the US voted against condemning nazism.
Let me guess, all the 1st amendment freezepeach crowd is out for blood about that? No? How unsurprising.
Surely it has to be a hugely dangerous precedent to legislate against, uh, criticizing a country? Surely that tramples over some highly valued concept of free speech. I have to wonder if they would extend the same consideration to just about any other country, race or religion on the planet.
2025: Cracker is legally reclassified as hate speech
Sponsor Rep. Kustoff, David [R-TN-8] (Introduced 11/28/2023) Committees House - Judiciary; Foreign Affairs 11/28/2023 Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. 11/28/2023 Introduced in House Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) strongly condemns and denounces all instances of antisemitism occurring in the United States and globally;
(2) reaffirms and reiterates its strong support for the Jewish community at home and abroad;
(3) calls on elected officials and world leaders to condemn and fight all forms of domestic and global antisemitism;
(4) clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism; and
(5) rejects all forms of terror, hate, discrimination, and harassment of members of the Jewish community.If this passes, will the USians finally stop harping about how wonderful their free speech is?
[thunderous laughter]
If a dog never runs, he never knows he is on a leash.
They won’t. Don’t be naive. Unless the US truly collapses, they won’t ever shut up about it.
Never gonna happen lol. We still rave about our “democracy” despite… everything
You’re never gonna unfreeze MY peach! I have guns!
The way liberals see it, the US doesn’t have free speech because it has it, but it has free speech because it is the US
It’s got electrolytes.
Good grief, are the police going to come knocking on my door to arrest me for all of my anti‐Zionist content now?